Ok, I don't think I'm doing this right ):

I've been at this for a few weeks now and so far I've only lost 1 lb (I started MFP during my monthly and truth be told I chalk that up to water weight). I've been weighing myself daily in the mornings and I've been at 124 lbs for a while. Back in 2008/2009 I weighed 110 lbs so I guess gaining 15 lbs in 4 years isn't that horrid, but I don't want to "blow up" I guess.

I admit that I probably don't eat the best types of foods, partly because I'm a broke college kid and partly because I just don't know what to eat. I love all kinds of foods and love trying new kinds of food so that's not really an issue as far as things I'm willing to eat. Fish is something difficult to get in the mountains though and I'm not too fond of it, but I do love tuna in a can!

Anyways. In accordance with MFP, I've been eating 1200 calories a day and mainly drink water. I've also given up soda. I'm mostly sedentary due to school and when I get home I do homework and online classes, and then I just want to relax and sleep.

So I guess I'm asking, what am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm not eating the right food? Not exercising enough? Do I need to eat more calories? To be clear; I'm 22 years old, currently 124 lbs. and 5'5". I'm mostly sedentary and am currently on 1200 calories a day.


  • Paedaris
    Paedaris Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also always hungry, but that might be because my family is one of those eat-throughout-the-day families and I'm just used to always drinking or snacking on something. None of us are "fat" though. But I seriously get this frustrated/upset feeling all the time and I have to find a snack that won't kill me with calories, but it's hardly ever enough. Sometimes I feel like giving up and just eating, enjoying any and all food without worrying about my weight, and accepting my body either way, but then again I don't see myself as big and I just don't want to be that, but being big isn't a BAD thing, so I don't know x_x
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    Check out this link to a thread. It has helped me a ton. Best of luck to you!

  • emilymherrera
    emilymherrera Posts: 1 Member
    I am not sure, but you should try to get some exercise just for the health benefits. It will make you feel better overall. As far as being hungry, I would cut your carbs and eat more protein and fats. Check out the Atkins diet or other diets that are lower in carbs. Carbs don't keep you full for long, but add up to lots of calories.
  • Paedaris
    Paedaris Posts: 8 Member
    Check out this link to a thread. It has helped me a ton. Best of luck to you!


    Ooh, thanks!
  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    I took a glance at your diary. You should probably track your sugar intake. Based on what I saw, it's probably through the roof. I understand no time (me: single, full-time job, volunteer activities, picky eater, etc.). You need to choose healthier foods that are more filling. That way you can eat more without packing on the calories. Exercise would absolutely help as well. Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, a few days a week.
  • Paedaris
    Paedaris Posts: 8 Member
    I am not sure, but you should try to get some exercise just for the health benefits. It will make you feel better overall. As far as being hungry, I would cut your carbs and eat more protein and fats. Check out the Atkins diet or other diets that are lower in carbs. Carbs don't keep you full for long, but add up to lots of calories.

    My carbs have been high lately, yeah.. I'll look into those!
  • I also advise that you don't weigh yourself daily. You'll make yourself crazy. The body's weight constantly fluctuates throughout the day, and any number of factors can affect your weight. If you weigh yourself weekly, you will get a good idea of the trend, feel better about your results, and not become a slave to the scale.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I think you eat alot of "snacky" processed foods. Should still lose though. Maybe split into 5-6 meals a day. I would also find out my TDEE and eat that minus like 600 calories. MFP said I should have 1200, however my TDEE -600 is 1660. Maybe your metabolism is messed up cause your not eating enough.

    If you switch to fruits and veggetables you get more bulk of food. Fills u up too. Good Luck!
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    I took a glance at your diary. You should probably track your sugar intake. Based on what I saw, it's probably through the roof. I understand no time (me: single, full-time job, volunteer activities, picky eater, etc.). You need to choose healthier foods that are more filling. That way you can eat more without packing on the calories. Exercise would absolutely help as well. Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, a few days a week.

    Agree with this, but also it looks like you might be eating a lot of high-sodium foods. If you add sodium in your settings, so you can track it, you might see that it's too high. Too much sodium will make you retain water.

    Also, if you're hungry a lot, I highly recommend you find some veggies with a high fullness factor. Veggies are very low cal and can really fill you up. Frozen veggies in the microwave is what I do often and it's not expensive. Two cups of broccoli with some lean protein (chicken breast or even canned tuna) will help you feel full and the calories will be low.

    Good luck!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    too many unhealthy carbs

    eat more protein and veggies!

    you eat a lot of candy.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    UM, I'm 5'5" and, lets just say not 124LBS. I don't think there is a problem with your weight. Do you want to lose weight? Or Is it just prevention you're after, either way, pack some fruits and veggies and snack on those. Add in some almonds. Stick to a healthy eating lifestyle, and try to go for walks. It will work itself out. For maintaining weight I think you may actually need slightly more calories a day, but I'm not exactly sure how that works. Good luck!
  • PunkyG210
    PunkyG210 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, I just glanced at your food diary. I believe that's where the problem is. It's not the amount of calories, it's where those calories are coming from that's the problem. I see lots of candy and processed high calorie food. You should try eating more fresh fruits and veggies as well as "good" fats like those in nuts, peanut butter etc. You can still eat throughout the day but try having fruit instead of candy. Tuna is good also. I see Eggo buttermilk waffles. If you like waffles, try switching to the Eggo Multigrain waffles. Eggs are also a good source of protein. You'll likely get a lot more helful responses to your post as well. Good luck. Hope this helps you.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Check out this link to a thread. It has helped me a ton. Best of luck to you!


    ^^^^^^This!!!! Getting your targets set correctly is important. MFP will give you the 1200 limits if you set it for 2lb loss a week. It is very unrealistic - eating more fuels your burn. Finding the balance of more than you BMR (what your body needs to stay alive if your a total slug) and your TDEE ( the amount you burn all day long with life activities and exercise) is important. To maintain loss you should be eating 20% less than your daily burn.

    The link explains this and shows you how to find your numbers.

    As for food the more protein the better - you are way low. carbs tend to encourage water retention so lowering your white carbs can help. Increasing fiber is good as well as decreasing you sodium levels. Time to explore whole fruits and veggies to get you sweet cravings cured. Good fats, protein and fiber help you to feel fuller longer.

    Baby steps and you will get there!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    read around this forum and look at other members food diaries. I suggest you come up with some "automatic" breakfast and lunch options. What I mean.. is make them healthy and low cal. Have a few and use them all the time..it takes the constant thinking out of losing weight. Also come up with healthy low cal snacks..steal ideas from others on this forum and recipe forum. That way you have a "go to" plan for two of your meals and snacks. That leaves you with a balance of calories for your dinner and college life. If you add in a little excercise..you'll be good to go.
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    Weigh yourself weekly - weight fluctuates. Better still take measurements instead if you're working out. Look for foods high in protein if you can, but generally go with fruits, veg & meat - keep it simple. Plan your week ahead of time so you always have the food you need with you. Also drink lots of water. Good luck!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    You may already be at your healthy weight for your age. Your profile says you want to get back to a weight you had a few years ago - but teenage weights tend to be lower than adult weights, because the body hasn't fully finished developing, so it's not always healthy for an adult to return to a teenage weight. I would not want to return to the weight I was as a teenager.

    I am your height and your weight, and I am looking to lose a bit more weight, but I imagine, from what I see of your photo, that I am a smaller build than you. And my target weight is actually a bit higher than yours (I'm aiming for 115 lb). And also the weight I was as a teenager was quite a bit lower than your weight as a teenager. I was under 100 lb. I would never aim for that now - it wouldn't be healthy for me as an adult.

    But if you have a sedentary lifestyle, it would be good for your overall health to become more active. You will feel better in yourself and stronger.
  • Paedaris
    Paedaris Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for all the replies! I really appreciate it, sometimes I need a fresh mind to point out what I'm not seeing.

    I added sodium and sugar and yeah, sugar is pretty high.. I guess I wasn't really aware that was a problem, though it obviously makes sense considering what I eat.

    But protein and fruits/veggies seems to be the consensus. I also didn't think of looking at other people's diaries for ideas, I like that! I'll definitely be trying to plan out healthier meals with help from that.

    And yeah, maybe trying to get back to how I weighed as a teenager isn't very realistic.. I may try upping it to 115 lbs instead and see how that works.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    First off, if you're getting 1200, you have your weekly weight loss goal set too high. With the amount of weigh you have to lose, a half pound a week is the ideal setting. With too large of a deficit, your body is going, "WTF is going on here? Is there a famine? Holy crap... there's no food. Conserve resources!!!!"

    Secondly, 124 at 5'5 is pretty much perfect. There's no need for weight loss. 110 is at the lowest end of normal. I understand where you're coming from, because I was always very thin, around 110, until my mid 20s, and felt "big" at 125. I look at photos of me then, I think I was crazy.

    If you're unhappy with your body shape, a tiny calorie deficit - around 150-250 calories below what it takes to maintain your weight - good nutrition with adequate protein (aim to exceed your goal on here), plus regular exercise including resistance training, and eating your exercise calories, is the way to change it.

    But honestly, the change in your body is most likely that you're developing a more womanly, and less girlish, figure. Embrace it!
  • Paedaris
    Paedaris Posts: 8 Member
    First off, if you're getting 1200, you have your weekly weight loss goal set too high. With the amount of weigh you have to lose, a half pound a week is the ideal setting. With too large of a deficit, your body is going, "WTF is going on here? Is there a famine? Holy crap... there's no food. Conserve resources!!!!"

    Secondly, 124 at 5'5 is pretty much perfect. There's no need for weight loss. 110 is at the lowest end of normal. I understand where you're coming from, because I was always very thin, around 110, until my mid 20s, and felt "big" at 125. I look at photos of me then, I think I was crazy.

    If you're unhappy with your body shape, a tiny calorie deficit - around 150-250 calories below what it takes to maintain your weight - good nutrition with adequate protein (aim to exceed your goal on here), plus regular exercise including resistance training, and eating your exercise calories, is the way to change it.

    But honestly, the change in your body is most likely that you're developing a more womanly, and less girlish, figure. Embrace it!

    I guess it's because I'm more or less "skinny-fat," although I've always had a pudgy stomach even in elementary school. At times I even look pregnant, especially after I eat.
    The more I read the more I think I should start building muscle instead of trying to focus on losing weight, but my motivation just dies out after a couple days. Gotta work on that..
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    The more I read the more I think I should start building muscle instead of trying to focus on losing weight, but my motivation just dies out after a couple days. Gotta work on that..

    Try starting out small. I'm also skinny fat and working on building muscle, and I started by just doing ten kettlebell swings per day. Then I added some squats, and some planks, and half push-ups, and I actually started noticing within a couple of weeks that I felt stronger. It's such a good motivating powerful feeling - once you feel the strength, your motivation doesn't die. You want more of it.