Back at it!

I use to use MFP a couple of years ago when I was hard core at losing weight and down at my lowest. I have since moved and moving always take a toll on me and this time we moved 10 hours away from family so that support system isn't there anymore. I managed to gain 20 lbs back in just this past year. **CRIES** ... I turn 30 in a little over a month and even though I won't make my goal by then I do plan to reach my goal while i'm still 30. My Fitness Pal was always a good help for motivation then but all my former friends have also stopped logging on from what I can tell. Anyone want to be new friends or looking for motivation? I started P90 again yesterday so if that is something you do would love for motivation in that department as well. :)



  • CortneyDub
    CortneyDub Posts: 35 Member
    Hi feel free to add me :) I just made a post looking for some new MFP buds for support too...and our starting/ending weights and current weight loss goals are pretty close!