My Half Marathon.....To you MFP friends and the like

I am running a half marathon tomorrow! I just wanted to scream that somewhere and I felt that right here was as good of a place as any. I haven’t run an event in 2 years. Actually, It was the same event as the one I am running tomorrow so I guess it has been exactly 2 years. Barely a month after the last event I had a surgery that went ‘rather wrong’ as the surgeons put it. It went from a laparoscopic procedure to remove my gall bladder to an open procedure that kept in me in the hospital for a luxurious six-night, seven-day stay, complete with another procedure to place a stint in so I didn’t have to go home with a little ball attached to a tube coming out of my belly. During this hospital stay I was forced to sell my bib for the Chicago Marathon which took place the Sunday that I was released from the hospital. Looking back, I think this was the moment I gave up just enough to let life beat me down. During my recovery I slipped into a pattern of behavior that involved gaming all night and eating terribly. I became anything but active, as I seriously enjoyed the clan I had joined. Over the past 2 years I have put in over 100 hours on a few different titles.

When I joined MFP a few months back I intended to use this as a place to log calories in order to make sure I was fueling properly for my runs as well as lose the 40+ lbs I had gained in the 2 years since my surgery. I registered for a half marathon as well as a Tough Mudder in order to push myself back into the world of fitness. I was on the site an entire month before I decided to get some friends. I had stumbled into the forums one day while at work, and I witnessed some funny, beautiful, and just downright amazing people giving great advice. Since then I have added some people on this site that I am absolutely humbled by. I have added people that crack me up. I have added people that are super supportive. And I have added people whose stories make me feel less alone. My personal approach to this website has been sporadic at best. I’m not always the most positive, hell, I downright troll……often. I just want to thank my friends, and even many of you who aren’t currently on my FL. If it weren’t for all of things that make this site great, I don’t know that I would have kept coming back, and the coming back kept me moving, and will KEEP me moving from here.

Thank you.


  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
  • captawesome
    captawesome Posts: 121 Member
    As someone who is on your FL (and even if I wasn't) I want to wish you all the best for your run tomorrow!! A half marathon is no easy feat and you've worked damn hard to get to where you are. You should be proud!!! The fact that you didn't let that op get the better of you and you've picked yourself back up is definitely something amazing. It's getting up one more time than you fall which makes us great. You've got this buddy, we're behind you :wink:
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    As someone who is on your FL (and even if I wasn't) I want to wish you all the best for your run tomorrow!! A half marathon is no easy feat and you've worked damn hard to get to where you are. You should be proud!!! The fact that you didn't let that op get the better of you and you've picked yourself back up is definitely something amazing. It's getting up one more time than you fall which makes us great. You've got this buddy, we're behind you :wink:

  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Nice comeback!!! It's amazing how somethings can trip us up and hold us back for so long!

    Good luck on your half!

    You are gonna love Tough Mudder, it will make you come alive!!!
  • Petefry1
    Petefry1 Posts: 29 Member
    What a story! Fantastic work getting back to this stage. All the best with the half and the TM!
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Options was it???

    I just decided today that I have just enough weeks to train for a half in September & it will be my first half!
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    1:54:48. I'm happy with it. I had to make pit stop along the way too. Overall, it was a great run. Thanks for following up!