44-ish and i need some friends to inspire me!

I will be 45 in November. My goal is to be in my 130-140's by then. I'm not getting any younger, but i just want my body to feel the way i feel, and that is about 25 (haha). I want my single chin back. The puppy dog jowels need to go! (may require surgery) but anyway, i just want to be able to sit down and not be so uncomfortable with these love handles. I just developed them over the past several years, and oh what several years can do as we get older. I don't know where back fat comes from but it's there. I've never really had a feminine figure- no definite waist, kinda like a 12 year old boy with boobs. I carry my weight pretty much evenly everywhere. If i had to describe my figure by a letter, i would be the letter 'H". My figure is developing as i get older, but it's going outward, and downward in weird places. I just want to lose 20-30 pounds. I haven't decided yet, but when i get there i will know. Feel free to friend me. The more friends i have, the more inspired i get...especially since we are all wanting the same thing! ....and my name is Karen. INSPIRE ME PLEASE!: ...somebody? anybody? :wink:


  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Hi Karen. I'm 46-ish if that's any good. Yes - time to work at undoing the damage :laugh: I try to eat healthily - as much home-prepared food, exercise moderately - I am on here every day and good to motivate...add me if you like. I am in Ireland btw. Best of luck!
  • spaz4me2
    spaz4me2 Posts: 44 Member
    Friend request sent ;-)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi Karen, I just turned 47 and it definately does get tougher to lose as we age:( but not impossible! You can do it! I still have some weight to lose here and would love to have more friends too. Sending a friend request your way. We can do this as a team:)
  • 62karen
    62karen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Karen... you are welcome to add me as a friend. We have something in common; our names... Karen! :happy: I would like to lose 30/40 pound. I just turned 50 this year and need to stay motivated. Add me if ya like. :smile:
  • Stinkeymonkey
    Stinkeymonkey Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Karen! I'm 45 and know exactly what you mean about the body changing as we get older. Feel free to send a request if you like.

    Btw, I think you look great! :)
  • Hi Karen,

    Guess I'll be the "elder" of the group so far...I turned 50 in Jan. Geezzz that sounds old to type lol. I'm in Florida and new to this site...only been logging things for about a week now. I'm looking to lost about 10 lbs...those last 10 lbs that nobody ever seems to lose??...that's me. I relly need to do it this time. I deal with a lot of medical crap so putting on weight has never been an option for me...increased weight means increase pain. I just try and stay active as best I can. I try to get on the treadmill or ride my bike at least 4 - 5 times a week. I see you have lost 7 lbs...how long have you been working at it?
  • cmeroar68
    cmeroar68 Posts: 40 Member
    Well, I am 44 and joined because I, too, would like to lose some unwanted pounds before it gets any tougher. I know the older you get the harder it is and the longer it takes to shed the weight. So far I seem to be doing pretty well. I've not recorded how much I've lost because I was having issues with my scale, but I plan on weighing myself this weekend...so we shall see.
    I am always looking to add more friends on here!
    We can all do this together, because as you said, we are all here for the same reasons.
  • Hi I am Jen I just joined today. My sister and her daughter are on this sight and told me its very helpful and easy to use. I have already lost 15lbs by eating healthy and working out and alot of Zumba. I look forward to meeting people on here and sharing my story. I will be 47 in 8 days. My oldest is getting married in Oct I am looking forward to her wedding and trying to look halfway decent since i am mother of the bride. I will post more pictures as the weight comes off Jen
  • Hi Karen,

    We all can use some motivated and inspirational friends. I'm 43 and my goal is to lose 10-30 more pounds. I'm a work in progress and trying to improve as much as possible as well. I'm new to this site but it's been so helpful to me.:smile:
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Karen, Welcome!! I would love to become friends and inspire each other. I am on here everyday, and I lvoe this site. I am 35 and I live in Alabama. i will send you a friends request!!
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Feel free to add me, too. I just turned 44, and I am working at losing about 15 more pounds. :smile:
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Just turned 43... Always willing to give support...I am active everyday here, logged over 200 days since I joined in December 2011. Lost just shy of 40 pounds since November 2011 and before that went from 204 to 179 and maintained that loss for years. Now at 142, 5'6" medium frame, size 8-10, small-medium.
  • dadof2boyz
    dadof2boyz Posts: 156 Member
    I will be 43 in September, and always here to provide support (and receive support many days), and I'm sure we can help each other along our journey. Friend request sent.
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you out your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • Hi There! Im Jazmine, i am 18 years old! My weight right now is about 190 and i want to get down to around 150! I really really really need some motivation! so please add me and say whats up !!
  • Muff123
    Muff123 Posts: 13
    Hi Karen! Welcome to the site! I just turned 44 and feel the same way! I have never been so determined as now, and reading posts daily on here encourages me to reach my goal. Keep up the hard work! Request sent!
  • docdrd
    docdrd Posts: 174 Member
    Good idea for a post Karen. Thank you! I am 46. I am trying to lose the last 10 now, the ones that have been on me for a decade, and losing weight now is NOT as easy as it used to be. Glad to see other 40 somethings working just as hard. Cheers!
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    Hello fabulous 40's! Send me a FR! Let's do this!
  • amyoc3
    amyoc3 Posts: 18
    add me as a friend please! i just turned 40 last week! i've been on MFP for the last 1 1/2 months. love the support out there. it's a great way to log your calories and lose weight!
  • Chezzie71
    Chezzie71 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Karen.. i have hit my 40's and in desperate need to lose alot of weight.. we are all in the same boat.. lets all paddle together and in the right direction.. i have added you too..xxx