The doctor made me cry...



  • heres2anewme
    heres2anewme Posts: 35 Member
    I am sure the doctor was thinking she was helpful. Truth, very few patients can keep the weight off without WLS, some do but it is very few. Gastric by-pass is also know to pretty much cure diabetes in most cases. I know of two people that it did not but they were very bad diabetics and I don't think they eat right. I know lots of people that have PCOS that have had WLS and it has helped them, esp, those that wanted to become pregnant. I had mine so I could be more healthy and I knew I could not get the weight off by myself, still struggle even with gastric by-pass.

    I don't think they were cruel. In hindsight I had 4 doctors suggest to me that I have surgery, but I didn't listen to them an waited another 4-5 years before I did have it. I wish I had it many years ago. Life is so much better now.
  • stronglikebull
    Find a new Doctor and tell that one shove it. I have Insulin Resistance and have lost over 110 lbs in about 9 months. My primary is absolute shocked that I have done it. Anyone can.

    I assume you are at least on Metformin for diabetes? That should help the blood sugar. Now for the hard part. Go Primal. No joking and no cheating. You have to go low carb or you just won't lose with PCOS. Because you have diabetes you will want to check with a non-idiot Doctor if adequate protein is okay for your kidneys. Unless you currently have kidney issues, it should be fine but it is something that diabetics have to watch.

    Go here --
    And here --

    And don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Do what I did and show them you can.

    absolutely this. you can do it sugar!
  • nola1020
    I have PCOS too. It is really hard to lose weight but not impossible. I have 85lbs lose. I would find a new Dr asap. I wouldn't want a Dr that has no faith. Get yourself a pedometer and hit the road! Good luck on your journey! We all have faith in you!
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Find a new doctor who supports you wanting to do everything possible to lose weight naturally. At one time, I didn't think there was a such thing, but I have one now. Make a list of fitness and nutrition goals, do your research, and find what works for you. I absolutely believe that with the right team of doctors and other people by your side, you can lose the weight naturally if that is what you want to do.
  • PhilipMSPT
    PhilipMSPT Posts: 11 Member
    The problem with doctors is that they specialize in (a) medicine and (b) surgery.

    Ask a Doctor what the best solution is: they'll answer medications and surgery.

    Ask a Physical Therapist (I'm a P.T.), I'll answer exercise.

    Ask a Registered Dietician, they'll answer diet.

    You'll get various answers from various professionals, experts, and technicians. But the best answer is one that is a combination of all recommendations that will be specific to you alone.

    Good luck on your search. Don't rely on one doctor to tell you what's best...
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Find a new Doctor and tell that one shove it. I have Insulin Resistance and have lost over 110 lbs in about 9 months. My primary is absolute shocked that I have done it. Anyone can.

    I assume you are at least on Metformin for diabetes? That should help the blood sugar. Now for the hard part. Go Primal. No joking and no cheating. You have to go low carb or you just won't lose with PCOS. Because you have diabetes you will want to check with a non-idiot Doctor if adequate protein is okay for your kidneys. Unless you currently have kidney issues, it should be fine but it is something that diabetics have to watch.

    Go here --
    And here --

    And don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Do what I did and show them you can.

    Wow. Awesome. I love your attitude. OP, don't let anyone tell you you can't do something. She's right.
  • tetecia
    tetecia Posts: 75 Member
    That's a ridiculous thing for a Doctor to say to somebody. If this had happened to me, i'd find a new doctor asap. Because somebody that can straight faced tell you that doesn't truly value you or your opinion on your health. I honestly feel that you have to feel as if your doctor is a close friend to you, and if that just isn't there it's time for a new doctor. If you can't feel comfortable with a doctor; why in the world would you intrust your health with them? I've dealt with this multiple times before in both cardiology (chd/chf) and neurology (neuralgia/migraines) and you wont be happy nor healthy until you have a doctor that you can speak honestly and open with without feeling beat down or berated. Good Luck!
  • literaryweasel
    I went to see a new doctor today and she recommended that I have the weight loss surgery since I have a metabolic disorder (PCOS) and diabetes. She said that the likelihood of me losing enough weight on my own is slim because "that biologically how my body is." I'm so upset. I've been teary all day. Does anyone know anything about this?

    It might be more difficult to lose weight when you have particular medical conditions but it certainly is NOT impossible. I have more chronic conditions than I can count on both hands but I'm successfully losing weight--16 lbs. so far--by eating better and exercising more. My progress is much slower than my healthy husband (though I think guys just lose weight a lot easier), but I'm making progress.

    Whenever doctors have told me I can't do something, I like to turn it right back around on them and prove them wrong. They don't know you--you know you. You're strong and you will achieve the goals you set your mind to. I'm in your corner! :)

    ETA: I should add that I'm T1--I don't know if you're T1 or T2, but there are tons of diabetics who lose weight in a healthy way. Again, it might be a little slower than you'd like--it's difficult and dangerous to stay on the treadmill if you're having a low--but it can be done and you will do it. And find a different doctor. No matter how sweetly she put it, if she's not on your side when you're trying to get healthy, you need someone else.
  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your replies. I am touched by the support. I will surely get a second opinion...and keep doing what I'm doing. It's working so far! :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I have PCOS too and I find your doctor's lack of faith disturbing but not surprising. As others have said, please go to a different doctor. I have managed to lose weight, albeit very slowly, through managing my diet and exercise. Don't give up hope, do your own research and work *with* a doctor, a doctor who understands, is open to other solutions than surgery. Once I started losing weight my PCOS symptoms started vanishing too.

    Good luck! And don't lose heart!
  • suzywuzy90
    suzywuzy90 Posts: 20 Member
    I once had a doctor who made sure that I knew that I was a piece of garbage who was wasting the good air that the rest of y'all could be breathing. If I had listened to her, I 'd still be on the couch waiting for death to occur. Instead, I ignored her [not easy when one is crushed], and decided to have a life and a much better doctor. I follow the insulin-resistence diet and exercise using cardio and weight lifting. Surround yourself with people who will support you, not crush you. Fire that doctor!
  • bbrat333
    bbrat333 Posts: 158 Member
    Yeah, never thought we'd get to the point of discouraging natural weight loss. Maybe he gets a kickback for the referrals or maybe he hopes for more expensive visits if you get the surgery, dunno, but I don't think a good doctor should discourage you from doing your best. So maybe you won't be size 0 in a year doing it on your own, but you can surely give it your best shot for at least year and see what the doctor says with your results then. I've seen several people with issues after the surgery. I can't see any reason he should be telling you not to try.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I looked into surgery (3 times as a matter of fact) and one story struck me...a guys mother had the surgery and afterwards, she would go to Dunkin Donuts and get donuts and coffee...she'd blend them together and drink them. She, of course, wasn't successful. Unless you change your relationship with food, nothing will least long term. You can do this!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Find a new Doctor and tell that one shove it.
    And don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Do what I did and show them you can.


    It will be a long hard road but if you are determined and stick to it, you can do it. Lot's of folks on here are living shrinking proof.
    Drs are not the G-ds they think they are, they do not know it all. Prove them wrong!!!!!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Here's another example of a doctor "telling" someone something... in this case, that he'd never walk unassisted again. I never get tired of seeing this:

    This NEVER gets old. :-) And, so very true....

    I had a doctor tell me I wouldn't be able to do stairs or lose weight on my own without knee surgery for my patellae tracking disorder. When my husband and I went into him to get more information, he was offended that we wanted to question the procedure. Went to another doctor. 6 months of physical therapy and 42lbs later...

    EDIT: in addition, I forgot to mention the first doctor told me I could run again with the surgery. Second doctor told me the guy was scamming me. he said, yes, I could with a different surgery but would be under the knife EVERY TWO YEARS!! So, basically was honest with me that I'll never run again....sad news, but better to be sad now than disappointed by an incorrect doctor later!!!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    If its any consolation, I had a girlie doctor tell e I needed to lose 100lbs....while I was still on the table naked covered only by the paper gown and sheet.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Get another opinion, and you have to, another and another and another, until you find a doctor that will back you up in trying to get the weight off without the surgery. The surgery should only be an option after all other options have been exhausted in my opinion. Chin up hun.
  • climberlady
    climberlady Posts: 3 Member
    Whoa, whoa, people are being incredibly unreasonable on here. First off, I'm a pharmacist who spent a lot of time with outpatient general practioners. And a lot of people are being way off the mark with this.

    Bariatric surgery is intense and although I would not recommend it, there are those that do benefit from it. You have to assess your risk vs benefit with the surgery. There is a facet that does benefit from it and although I don't know your case specifically, I can assure you that doctors don't just recommend that surgery as a first-line option. You should be able to work with your doctor, establish goals. PCOS is manageable and diabetes with medication + weight loss and exercise is extremely beneficial more than medication management alone. (See the famous DPP trial:

    As far as bbrat333 comments, kickbacks are EXTREMELY ILLEGAL. None of the doctor's I have worked with in the past 8 years would ever engage in these activities.

    Additionally, and I hate to say this, your doctor might be trying to scare you to force you into change. This isn't a bad thing if scaring forces necessary change. I have seen a lot of patients who rather ignore the reality than face it. Being fit and a healthy weight are goals we all strive for, just make it clear to your doctor that you are committed to this and make a plan. If your doctor isn't fitting your needs, you can definitely find one that is willing to work with you.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    why would you ask for their opinion on weight loss if you already knew you could do it on your own
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    I am so mad that a dr would say that! Get another opinion..sweety I'm diabetic Type put me on insulin and metformin. Get another doctor and ask me anything. You can do it!