I could just cry



  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    I don't deprive myself. I would buy it grab a hand full and give the rest away
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    i know hyou fel. my husband can pig out and not gain an ounce. he recently went and bought a buunch of snack cakes and put a hostess upcake on my desk. not to be cruel, but because he knows i like them. it's been staring e in the face for 3 days now. so you could look at itthis way: eatit and just burn the caloris off late with exercise, or if youre somewht lazy like me (hate to admit it) ell yourself that that less calories to eat real food that you like and you would hav to do more exercise to eat it. that's been my moivation and thats why itsstill on my desk. im looking at it now as i type lol. but you seem strong willed. push through the smell. o maybe ring some flavored water. i've reently bought the Nice! drink mi pouches. you mix it in a 16oz bottle of water and it's only t10 calories. so when i wnt something sweet, i drink one of those. you can get them at Wal-greens. plus it's liquid and will fill you up and satisfy your appetite for awhile (like drinkng a bottle of water) go on girl! you can do it :)
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    sorry my typing is atrocious, i have 3 yr old who likes to use my computer (crumbs al under my keys )
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I say you go get some Vick's Vap O Rub & rub it on all your windowsills until the carnival is over.
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    Lots of great advice. I didnt cave in and go get any. Man I sure wanted to. I could smell them making it...My problem is this...and I say it with all seriousness. I knew I would not stop with a cup...they are huge bags..I would have had the whole bag. I am an addict...I couldnt have stopped.
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    That is not far from my new mantra...would I eat it if I knew it had rat poison in it?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Lots of great advice. I didnt cave in and go get any. Man I sure wanted to. I could smell them making it...My problem is this...and I say it with all seriousness. I knew I would not stop with a cup...they are huge bags..I would have had the whole bag. I am an addict...I couldnt have stopped.


    Personally, I don't understand all of the people trying to rationalize away what you acknowledged would be a bad decision for you. It's one thing to help someone work through a bad decision they *already made*, because it certainly isn't worth beating yourself up for it after the fact, but many were actively campaigning for you to do the very thing you said you knew was bad.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Good for you fro not caving in! It's important to know we do have power and control over ourselves. Way to go!
  • 50shelly
    I went to our State Fair last weekend and knew I would have to have a corndog. I got one and enjoyed every bite of it. I kept track of what I ate that day and still stayed within my limits. I know myself-if I denied myself that corndog, I would of came home and ate everything in sight. You have to do what works for you. Some people can completely do without certain foods and others can't. Most of the time I do very well and stick with healthy foods but once in awhile I do have something that isn't. I tell myself that just because I ate something "bad" it doesn't give me permission to go crazy and lose control. Only you can decide for yourself what to do. There isn't really a right or wrong choice.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Any time I face a food decision I ask myself a series of questions to rationalize with myself as to why I want something. Usually things like "is this going to satisfy you" "will you feel good about yourself after eating this" "will you 'fall off the wagon' if you eat that" "is this good for you" "how will you feel after you've eaten it all" "is it worth it"... Things like that. 9 times out of 10 I talk myself out of it. The 10th time I realize I have no money and can't eat it anyways :laugh:
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    Our town is having a carnival. This is day 3 of 4 days. I live upstairs on the street where there is all the food. There is a caramel corn stand right across from me and I have been smelling it now for 3 days. I want some so bad. If I went and got a bag I would eat it all. I have come so close...all the rationalizing is taking place...Oh just do it...one time a year wont hurt...I could just start in fresh tomorrow...I would walk off the damage...but no...I am so far getting through it.

    Personally, if it were me, I would go get some. Share it with someone or throw half away but sometimes even a litlle bite can make it all better, satisifies the craving. sometimes if i eat something i want even just a bite, thats enough to make me okay with it.if you don't eat it sure it may be better for you, but does it satisfy the craving or will you eat something else to make up for it thats really not as satisfying. I don't know what to tell you, thats why i said if it is me. I have come to realize for me this is a lifestlye change not a diet. There are going to be good days and bad days, hense yesterday i had a bad eating day over 1000 calories over, and today i nailed it to 1200.my theory is, if i want it, i eat it, then move on. My personal thoughts. but this is my 2 cents. You need to do what is right for you. Just my 2 cents.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    even a litlle bite can make it all better, satisifies the craving.

    The problem with this is that if you continue to "satisfy the craving" the cravings will never cease, your body learns nothing. It's like if you have a kid wanting Lucky Charms, and they ask, you say no. The pout, you say no. They cry, you say no. They throw a fit, and you say "fine, here ya go"... Did the kid learn how to cope and get on with life without the Lucky Charms? The brain is the same way when it comes to "pleasure foods".
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Hey, it's day 3 of 4, you can do this!! It's not so much about depriving yourself as it is about showing yourself you can do this! A treat once in a while is fine, but this could be your big way of showing yourself you have willpower.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Just have some, complaining about it isn't going to solve anything. If you have some, kick the craving and feel better =) I had a coke and fried dough at our fair. Didn't hurt me any =)
  • chizumlassstar
    chizumlassstar Posts: 49 Member
    I went to a carnival last weekend and had a corndog, a large order of cheese curds, and a regular funnel cake with powdered sugar. It was 1600+ calories! However, that night they had a band that totally kicked *kitten* and I danced for four hours straight. I was really craving the carnival food. I would say get the smallest size they have and enjoy it. If you don't you will find yourself craving it and buying junk to fufill the craving. I did tell myself "once a year isn't bad", I have been working really hard for two weeks and know that if you tell yourself "NO MORE JUNK FOOD", then all you will crave is junk food, then you will eat junk food, then it won't be quite what you "need" and then you get more and on and on and on... Anyways cudos to you for holding out this long. I drove and hour for that fricken corn dog and cheese curds. Cudos, I salute you, your willpower is greater than mine.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Lots of great advice. I didnt cave in and go get any. Man I sure wanted to. I could smell them making it...My problem is this...and I say it with all seriousness. I knew I would not stop with a cup...they are huge bags..I would have had the whole bag. I am an addict...I couldnt have stopped.


    Personally, I don't understand all of the people trying to rationalize away what you acknowledged would be a bad decision for you. It's one thing to help someone work through a bad decision they *already made*, because it certainly isn't worth beating yourself up for it after the fact, but many were actively campaigning for you to do the very thing you said you knew was bad.

    How is having a bit of something a "bad decision"? Especially since the OP had over 600 calories left at the end of the day yesterday (and often more then that on most days). That is a worse decision in my opinion then have an occasional treat. It was NOT occasional treats that made us all fat. It was having those treats in huge portions day in and day out.

    Food guilt is BAD!
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    Many have said just have a cup, just have half the bag, just have a bite...this just would not happen with me. I am a bluntly honest person...and an addict to food. I know I would never have just a cup of fresh, warm carmel corn. I would eat the whole bag...and there must be like a gallon and a half in a bag.

    I have accepted the fact that I have to look at some of these things like a drug addict would look at a fix. I want to be healthy. I want to lower my body fat...I want to change my patterns of eating...for me....there is no "just a little bit". For me, there has to be an alternative.
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    If it were me, I would wait until the last day of the carnival and then go get some... mainly because I know if I have some today, then still smell it tomorrow, I will have twice as much tomorrow! Delayed gratification works well for me :)

    Then use it as motivation to go out an enjoy the carnival and get some fun walking in!

    This is the best advice I have seen on here - hits all points :) gives you something to look forward too, then you're not faced with the temptation every day after. That's what I would do - and you never know, by the time that day comes, you might decide you don't want it after all. it's all about not depriving yourself and feeling miserable. WHO makes it on a diet long term feeling miserable? no one. :) enjoy !
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Just say to yourself - it won't taste as good as watching the scale go down feels (and although temporary- the sugar will spike your insulin and stall your progress) So...........Hang in there !

    Good Luck

    I agree with this! It won't taste as good as you think! And if like me, moderation is not a word in your vocabulary, stay clear of it!
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    Lots of great advice. I didnt cave in and go get any. Man I sure wanted to. I could smell them making it...My problem is this...and I say it with all seriousness. I knew I would not stop with a cup...they are huge bags..I would have had the whole bag. I am an addict...I couldnt have stopped.


    Personally, I don't understand all of the people trying to rationalize away what you acknowledged would be a bad decision for you. It's one thing to help someone work through a bad decision they *already made*, because it certainly isn't worth beating yourself up for it after the fact, but many were actively campaigning for you to do the very thing you said you knew was bad.

    I actually was a little surprised too. But its ok. I made it through last night and will make it through today.