Daily routine activity

Hi, I am new to this site and was wondering if you all add in the daily routine activity such as general cleaning your home and/or taking flights of stairs? I would think that all would be good to know but also good to have as 'padding' to your daily exercise as well.


  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    If you are currently doing those activities then I wouldnt add them as exercise because you are wanting to lose weight and you were already doing these things.
    If they are a new activity - for example you will start taking the stairs everyday then i may add them.
    But the idea is to exercise to lose weight which means doing things that you werent doing before....
    good luck
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I wouldn't add them. I usually just add formal exercise or if I'm scrubbing the house on my hands and knees (maybe a few times a year), I might add that in too.
  • christi_counts
    When you first set up your account it asks what your daily activity life is like.
    Then it gives you a daily calorie usage amount based on your answer.
    If you do a lot more than that you should add that activity.

    Hope this helps!
  • heathers4um
    good points - thank you!

    I think I will add in the stairs as I am on the 5th floor and have been taking the elevator since I fell off the fitness wagon. :frown: