Weight watchers VS. Calorie counting



  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I've done both. I did WW from Jan 09-Dec 09 when I joined here, I still pay WW and I go to the meetings for support and accountability. I lost 36 pounds from the dates above, joined here, I lost 30, then gained 11 back over the holidays. I started doing the new WW plan this month just for something different. I really don't find that big of a difference besides calories being more available and easy to find. Especially now in California where they are posted EVERYWHERE! I just like to mix it up when things get stale. I got tired of counting points, then I got tired of counting calories. The new WW program is so crazy, you count fat, carbs, protein and fiber, after a year of counting calories I've been in a total mind warp where I don't even look at calories. I also find both WW and MFP so easy with my iPhone app. I can enter the stuff, create a food and store it. With that WW isn't much harder then MFP.
    Best of luck!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I lost the majority of my weight on WW & for me the points wasn't as overwhelming as counting calories. Long story (it's in my blog) but now I count calories :)

    Its up to you...either one will help you lose weight as long as you are working at them! :)
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    The programs are very similar, except MFP is free. And this is coming from one who recently canceled her WW membership to join MFP! They both work but MFP has been so much easier for me.
  • euca
    euca Posts: 9 Member
    I used to do weight watchers and it worked well for me but I decided to switch to MFP for a change (and because it's free) - however, I'm finding that I'm not losing any weight on MFP whereas that was never a problem with WW. I've been eating between 1200 - 1300 calories a day. Because I haven't been losing weight I converted my food over the past week to WW points (the old system) and found that I've been eating about 26 points a day which is much more than the 20 - 23 that I would normally have eaten so now I'm starting to think that this is why my weight loss is stalling.
  • karen415
    same thing here. is there a way we can caluclate it on this site though, i love this site
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I still buy many things from the WW range - they are lower in calories and healthier than most alternatives which makes my life easier.
    Same here. I buy a lot of stuff from the WW range.

    I've never joined WW though. Why should I pay for something when MFP is free? (Go ahead, call me a cheapskate :laugh: )

    I've done perfectly well with MFP (44 pounds gone since August 10th 2010)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It will take a year to get it out of your system but you'll find calorie counting is much healthier and will lead to better success.

    WW can be starvation. For me 18-21 points = 1000-1200 calories regardless of exercise (exercise = 2 more points but 500 calories burned is more like 5 WW point) plus if you don't already have the points memorized in your head, it’s an extra step.

    For over a year I calculated the WW points and mut a note on MFP. Finally that’s out of my system and I see how much better it is to go by calories.

    Get it out of your system. I finally did and am eating a much better balance and am moving away from my fat fear (olive oil, avocado, nuts) etc. that is instilled in the points system when those are essential fats.

    If it means anything, I never paid for WW I just used online calculators and found out the 'rules' from my mom. I've also never been overweight so WW can be helpful for people who have made bad choices and want to join something popular to get on the right track.
  • MelanieHodgkiss1962
    I've never understood the points system, I did WW years ago when it was much simpler, I'd rather calorie count anyday.:happy:
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    I have been to WW, and lost a large amount of weight. you then become a long term maintenance member, and it will not cost anymore for the term that you stay within a specific set weight.

    The problem with constantly counting points is that it is easy to slip back to your old habits, and put the weight back on, whereas calorie counting is easier as the calorific value of food is on the back of 97% packaging, so you can alway keep an eye on it.

    I have also been to slimming world, which was bizarre, as they allow you to eat lots of rice, pasta and potatoes as syn free foods etc, and I couldnt grasp that either.

    I think if you view yourself as a beautiful, expensive well oiled, high performance car you cant go wrong..... put the best fuel into it, not too much oil of the head gasket will go, and only top up your fuel when you need to with good fuel.... then run the car or it will seize up, and need extra work done to it! Fuel for thought? Im a Bentley Continental! :laugh:
  • Lessjoyce11
    Lessjoyce11 Posts: 2 Member
    i personally like Fitness pal!... It is easy and of course free!:love:
  • megers68
    megers68 Posts: 2 Member
    I've lost around 10 pounds on WW, but recently I had stopped losing even though I had followed the plan to a T. I was running 3x's a week and counting points (after 2 servings of fruit I was even giving them a 1 point value because I had heard that many people made the mistake of abusing the free fruit & veggies rule). I started using MFP again and saw that what I was eating was around 1,000-1200 calories a day. I'm 5'10" and pretty active, so I think that that's why I stopped losing weight. We'll see if there's a difference on MFP!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I went to Weight Watchers years ago and found that I lost a lot of weight, but I didn't stick to it in the way I have with MFP.

    I found that WW seemed to make me obsessive about points and food whereas with MFP I log everything but I'm more relaxed about what I eat. Maybe it is just that I'm at a different point in my life, because the approach is pretty similar.

    I found the weighing in pretty handy for accountability and some of the lectures were OK - but I wouldn't bother with it now, I think I know enough about WHAT to do, I just need to keep on doing it.
  • jsheppeard
    jsheppeard Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using MFP for about 10 weeks now and I have lost 20 pounds as of this week. I have never tried WW but have considered it often. I like how MFP is free, and I agree with everyone else with WW I think you get concerned with the points not so much the nutritional value of your food. I like with WW the fruits and most veggies are "Free" which is why I was considering WW, but I think would rather just keep track of what I have been eating, and I have noticed even when going out to dinner i make even healthier choices with the database for MFP. I have it on my Iphone and use it all day long before I decided to go...what will it cost me. But I also work out 6-7 times a week burning anywhere from 450-700 calories within an hour. I like how I can keep track of my cardio I am doing.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Calorie counting. I was always starving on Weight Watchers and so I would binge, because, I was starving! Also from everything I am learning it is calories in, calories out. Their fat/carb/protein/ formula doesn't really make much sense to me.
  • holtzgirl
    I'm starting to really like this more because I don't feel like I'm dieting AT ALL! I feel great, and I don't kick myself when I go over calories! I love the fact that at the end of the day, MFP tells me what I'd weigh if I continued eating how I did on that day. I don't like to necessarily know that all the time, but I still love this, and I feel much better about it! It amazes me how many calories are in things. I now see why I've gained weight over time!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Just wondering, what is everyone's take on Weight Watchers compared to calorie counting/my fitness pal? Which one do you guys think is easier/produces better results?

    MFP makes you count to 2000. Weight Watchers makes you count to 20. It's the same thing really.
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    Was a WW member for a little over a year.......AT FIRST its really great, its new , its interesting, its different.....

    I agree with some of the other comments, its gives you too much wiggle room to eat any and everything and you're not concerned with the quality of your food. WW also does not give you your nutritional intake such as, fat, carbs, sodium etc.....

    I started MFP probably months if not a year ago, but started WW instead because i felt trying to count calories was too hard....

    BUT now i feel the exact opposite. Counting calories is much easier to me now......I don't have to use a calculator or my phone app to figure out how many points is in EVERYTHING that i eat, as the WW database is horrible, and not updated enough........

    I also think you tend to over eat a bit on WW because it gives you your daily points, which you eat all of, then most people eat their activity points, PLUS you get an extra weekly allowance of 49 extra points to eat.....

    SO FAR being on track with MyFitnessPal I'm loving this site and the information ..... only big transformation was to remember to count my fruit here....as on WW veggies and fruits were free, you don't count those.

    I actually just canceled my membership maybe 2 weeks ago now.....
  • Saramarieadams
    I have done both. They are essentially the same thing. I find MFP is much more handy. You can quickly look something up, and you can even scan food. Also MFP promotes healthy whole foods and exercise. I drink a smoothie every morning, and that is one of the best things you can put into your body.
    Weight watchers does work, I had success with it. If you follow it, you will lose weight. But... If you follow MFP you will also lose weight. My recommendation is to use MFP first, and if you need a stricter regimen and guidelines- go to WW.