Certified Personal Trainer Here: Send Your Questions!

Hello all! I recently had a nice thread in the introduce yourself section which has been locked; so now I decided to move it over here.

Basically; I'm a CPT and Head Trainer at a local gym here in South Jersey. My 250+clients are losing an average of 6 lbs per week! And those who are already in shape are shaping their body even more through my practices and techniques.

I know there's a lot of bullsht out there as well as trolls claiming to be this and that. I am just here to help.

Being overweight through my whole childhood has opened my eyes to so many things that I want to help those who were also in my position to believe and achieve whatever goal/body they want. Nothing makes me feel more accomplished than helping this world, that has obesity rates through the roof, become a healthier and happier place.

So if anyone has any questions regarding fitness plans, diet, exercise; etc. Shoot me a private message or shoot me a message here. Regardless I will do my best to answer your questions in a timely fashion.

Much Love


  • healthynursein2015
    healthynursein2015 Posts: 16 Member
    hi justin ,
    i have a question . i am 52 y female , i went on weight watchers lost 66# made to goal and lifetime with exercise everyday. this was 4 years ago, i was using the drug doctor rx phentermine to help with the weight lost. well now 4 years later weight is back on, what happen ? stopped the exercise stoped the med went back to old habits . I am now trying to loose the weight again. But this time i want to do it without ( the drug ) . have been doing this thing through my work i am a nurse and work for a large hosp, it is a weight lose program with the help of a nutritioist, heatlh coach, . i am at the end of my 12 weeks have only lost 5 #, just cant seem to get myselve motivated to do the exercise like i was 4 years ago, 4 years ago i would get up 5 am , run/walk on the treadmil , now i use hrm and walk 3 days week , light strength train 2x week,. now my question do you have suggestions to motivate myself again to get up at the 5 am to exercise ? my health coach says to eat something light before i exercise that early to have the energy to exercise / what do you think?
  • Hi Justin,

    I just started getting serious about weight loss. I am determined to lose the weight (at least 60 lbs) So far I am doing well. I started riding a bike 2 miles a day but I need help with my arms and abs. I have that dreaded arm fat where my triceps should be got any good exercises that fill help firm that up. And I have no abs any suggestions. (I have a hard time with alot of ab exercises as I have ruptured disks in my lower back and many of them seem to aggrivate it and if I am in pain I stop working out). Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. :smile:

    Thanks so much

  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi Justin-
    I am 28 year old woman 5'6" and 140lbs at about 24%BF and I'd really like to get to 18-20%BF what ever that weight is. I carry the majority of my weight in my legs, If I lost any more up top I'd look anorexic and I'm not. I'm walking on my treadmill 3-4 times a week, I do Jillian Michaels DVDs 5-6 days a weeks and have a home gym for strength training a just got a couple weeks ago I'm trying to use 2-3 days a week. I notice I don't lose any weight (at all) unless I cut out carbs.... Like to less than 100g a day. IDK if it is because I have a slow thyroid so that could be why...? I don't want to have to do that though. Is there something else I should do? I eat 1500-1600 calories daily and I have a sedintary desk job. Is there anything else I should do? I've always had weight issues and yoyoed with every fad diet you and think of. I want to get the weight off or well the FAT off. Could you recommend a macros plan or calories or anything?
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Hey Justin,
    I'm a 21 year old woman, 5'4 and currently 144lbs, started at 156lbs. My goal is 122. I have impingement in my hip which makes it almost impossible most days to exercise. I have a very active job, I work in a hospital and am constantly running around, squating, and just constantly moving. By the time I get home my hip is so aggravated it's all I can do to even walk up my stairs. I do PT twice a week which includes 8minutes of biking and then 60 minutes of core exercises (planks, bridges with resistance, and other core strengthening exercises that are hard to explain!). I would like to burn more calories outside of PT, but I need exercises that will not aggravate my hip and don't require a sitting position. Any tips? I do bike for 20 minutes or as much as my hip allows a couple times a week, but that's about as much sitting as I can tolerate! Any exercises would be great! Thanks!
  • Hi Justin,

    I have lost about 85lbs over the past year just from going from a desk job to a more physical job (working on rental homes). I plateaued and gained about 15lbs back so I decided to get serious. I am eating better - not perfect yet but WAY better - and working out at Curves 3-5 times a week. I have already lost the 15 lbs and want to see if I can get over this plateau.

    I want to add strength training to my workouts 3X a week. I don't have the money for an additional gym membership or a personal trainer right now. I was wondering if it is advisable to do a simple strength training routine at home and if so could you direct me to a good beginner set of exercises to perform to get a mostly full body workout with limited equipment.

    Thank you,
    If it matters I am 34yo female, started at 393lbs last spring now at 305 (well as of last Wed) 5'10" tall goal weight around 160-170.
  • healthynursein2015
    healthynursein2015 Posts: 16 Member
    well it has been 4 days since i posted a question to you justin , just wondering what your defination of timely maner is? sorry, i know that sounds rude but i dont mean it to sound that way. just asking a question? And i have asked so many questions in the past of trainers to just be inored . ru there ?
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    well it has been 4 days since i posted a question to you justin , just wondering what your defination of timely maner is? sorry, i know that sounds rude but i dont mean it to sound that way. just asking a question? And i have asked so many questions in the past of trainers to just be inored . ru there ?
    maybe send him a personal note to his page and not on the forum.... I have had better luck that way with others in the past
  • sarahroseconroy
    sarahroseconroy Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Justin,

    I love porridge so much that i like to have a sachet with a tablespoon of peanut butter stirred through it for dessert! Can you please tell me if this is going to be bad for me at 7.30 at night when i go to bed at 9? Bearing in mind I burn approx 800 calories a day and consume approx 1900-2100.

    Surley the porridge at 218 calories has to be better for me than having a milo and 2 - 4 biscutes???