It happens every time, they all become blueberries



  • awillkies
    awillkies Posts: 53 Member
    but my doting fiance who has child-like eating habits won't touch them unless they're mixed, mangled or incorporated

    oh you have one too?? my husband is so freakin' weird about fruit. it can only be a CERTAIN type of apple he will eat, no fruit ever in a salad or he'll freak & when i cut up any fruit he insists i put the peelings in a bag, sealed up that bag THEN put it in the garbage. something about the smels of fruit reminds him of his mother & his upbringing. it's kindof sad & funny all at the same time.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I put them in smoothies. Freeze what you have so they don't go bad. Or bring them to me, I'll take them! lol
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    I like to freeze them, but not for thawing later. I like to eat them frozen. Little icy treats. I like grapes and raspberries that way too. I also like to use frozen berries in place of ice cubes in my water sometimes.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Smoothies, freeze them, salads, cobbler, I LOVE blueberries! That reminds me, I need to go pick some again :)
  • rhondamacpherso
    There is a way to flash freeze them so you can use them again at a later date. Put the blueberries on a sheet pan (cookie) not letting them touch each other and only one layer. Place them in the freezer for at least 1 hour and they will freeze without freezing in a big clump of berries. When frozen you take as much as you want and place in a freezer bag (they don't take up much room in freezer bags) as they will be frozen separately and you can use them for muffins or pancakes anytime you want. I do this with almost everything. Hope this helps you.:smile: