Cant seem to

Get motivated anymore!!!
oh no!!!
Last few weeks ive been doing really well but nowi cant seem to motivate myself to workout
i havent picked up a coke [my weakness] in about 2 months which im happy about.

but i log in all my food and excercisei been doing and it just seems like im gaining weight instead of losing it

its not very motivating.
any idea why its doing this?


  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    its a possibility that maybe you've hit a plateau. try mixing it up a bit with different exercises or different foods, maybe even give your self a day or two break from watching what you're eating and then get back into it. It may be enough to confuse your body and kick it back into gear. your body might have just adjusted to everything you've been doing positively and needs to do something different to confuse it and kick it back into overdrive. it's just a suggestions though. anyone else have any better ideas?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Someone told me once "I have never gone to the gym and then regretted it"

    I think of that when my alarm goes off at 6:30 and i don't have to be at work until 9!

    When I am done would I have regretted getting up and going to the gym? Nope.

    When I am done sleeping (or sitting on my butt...) would I regret not having gone to the gym? Yep.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Someone told me once "I have never gone to the gym and then regretted it"

    I think of that when my alarm goes off at 6:30 and i don't have to be at work until 9!

    When I am done would I have regretted getting up and going to the gym? Nope.

    When I am done sleeping (or sitting on my butt...) would I regret not having gone to the gym? Yep.

    What a great way to look at that awful alarm going off in the morning!! :laugh: I'll remember that. Thanks!
    WISHFULTHINKING Posts: 167 Member
    thanx XD ill try that
  • ljsain1355
    The best thing, in my opinion, is to put your body into maximum metabolism. You can do this by eating nearly all protein for 6 days. The only carbs you should really have are 1/2 a banana with breakfast (of 4 oz chic, turk, meat, egg whites only), snack should be 4 oz protein whey shake, lunch salad with cuc/green onions, 4 oz chic, turk, etc.), snack protein shake again and dinner protein w/ green leafy vege (like cabbage). I did this program, religious for 1 week and lost 10 lbs and broke my plateau.
  • ace2009
    ace2009 Posts: 13
    Plateau's are a natural part of weight loss, and the best way to resolve them is to mix up your routine, try not eating the same thing for meals each day, and/or reduce your caloric intake just slightly. Part of it is that your metabolism has adjusted to the food and activity you're incorporating, and part is just your body adjusting to the weight you're losing. Doing anything drastic like going on a fast, or eating only one form of nutrient for a week is not healthy for you - your body NEEDS fat and carbs as much as it needs protein to function. They just have to be in the right for (ie, the healthy omegas, and complex carbs).

    Another solution may be to compare your eating habits with a food guide. As I said, if you're not getting enough of all the nutrients your body needs, you WILL stop losing weight. Are you getting all your grains? dairy? etc... About two years ago I had this problem, and when I joined a weight loss program, they based their meals on the canada food guide. I realised I wasn't getting all the nutrients I needed, so I started eating a bit more and actually lost more weight.

    A daily multivitamin can go a long way in helping you too!
  • ace2009
    ace2009 Posts: 13
    Forgot to mention, you're probably building muscle as well, which is going to tip the scale to the higher end.
  • ljsain1355
    Try going carb-free, mass protein for 6 days. This usually kicks up your metabolish. It does for me. Good luck!