Frustrated with running.

I know running is one of the best ways to loose weight but I am frustrated. I can run for about 10 mins and my left calf tightens up so much I can not continue. I do not have this problem when doing any other type of exercise. I have tried stretching before and during a run but it doesn't help. I recently started going to the chiropractor to see if it could help. This has been a problem since I was in high school. Thankfully volleyball didn't require much running ;) Anyone have any ideas? I really would like to do a 5k for cancer fundraiser but I just can't seem to figure it out. I have very good shoes, talked to a trainer and a physical therapist. I have tried on the road and on the thread mill.


  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Getting started can be frustrating, and I'm no expert so my advice is only from my personal experience... make sure you have a good stretching pre and post run. Your shoes do make a difference, and your foot placement can also make a difference. I'd get a book on women's running (stretching, diet, and other considerations can be found within).. I can't remember the title of mine, but it has gret pics for stretching, and great advice on diet, and so many things.

    Don't give up, if this is what you want... and also don't think it is the best.. it is only the best if it works for you.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    There is an injury that used to be known as 'tennis-player's calf" or 'tennis leg." I do not know if it can become chronic but you might want to check that out with a sports medicine person.
    Most people know immediately when they get tennis-player's calf. The initial injury feels like someone kicked you, hard, or like your calf just popped.
    Then it takes forever to heal. You can take a week off, a month off, more (?), and the next time you go out to run, your calf tightens up and it hurts a bit.
    I had it, and could not get rid of it. I spoke with an orthopedist who was a trainer for a professional sports team. He recommended that I just go out and jog on it, lightly, slowly, in spite of the discomfort. And he was right. It was gone in a week.
    I would not recommend you run through the pain until you get it checked by an expert first. But, you might want to see an expert and mention tennis-player's calf.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have this same problem whenever I add running to my routine and it's very frustrating . It gets better. Actually it goes away completely. Not sure if it's a blood flow issue or what, but my calves get incredibly tight and painful early in the run. I just run as far as I can, then rest or walk and try to run again if it subsides during the walking. With each run I can go further before the tightness forces me to stop and within 2-3 weeks its stops happening at all. My wife stays in better shape than me year round but still has the same experience when she starts a run program. Instead of tightness, she says it's more like a pins and needles itching. But after a few weeks she's fine too.

    Don't give up; it gets better. Do your 5k.
  • karyn3037
    Thanks....I gave it some rest time this week and am going to the gym this afternoon and will try gutting it out. I have had it checked by a number of people. There seems to be no physical reason for it to hurt the way it does. Maybe it is just mental LOL. I went to the chiropractor because of a hip issue so maybe getting that fixed will start help it...Here's to hoping :)