Having such a hard time....

Warning: Venting and sadness ahead

I'm not a whiner, but I'm feeling so down in the dumps this week. I started back to school Monday, and ALREADY I'm having a hard time making healthy choices. My school schedule has no break times to eat a packed lunch (which also leaves no time to find healthy choices on campus even though there are none). Also, all of my teachers have policies against eating in class. So by the time I'm home (after driving past 20 fast food joints) I'm STARVING and can't get the food in fast enough. Also, and this is silly, but I can't get the confidence going to go to the gym this semester. It's free, well stocked, and wonderful, but I'm embarassed to go. When I do, I'm pretty much the heaviest person there and then I start sweating and get all red in the face. Sorry for the whine, I just need a kick in the butt.


  • lazygirllosesweight
    Think of how great you'll feel about yourself if you make the right choices in spite of these hurdles. Self respect comes from being proud of yourself. Being proud of yourself comes from being strong and making the touch choices.

    You'll hold your head up higher. You'll be happier. And the next time a challenge presents itself you'll be more apt to face it. "That I have born, so this I can bear also."

    You can do it! :)
  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    We all have these weeks hun! IT's OK! :) When I first started I thought the same thing you did about the gym..."all of these fit people are staring at me because I am just walking and I am sweating like crazy".....But, in all honesty a couple weeks after going 4 times a week people started complimenting me on my weight loss and how well I was doing on the treadmill. That feels good! :) Keep it up, you are doing great. School is hard but try and sneak in snacks here and there and do your best! :) Good Luck!
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    try talking to some of your teachers before the class and let them know that there is simply no break in between for you to otherwise eat. I can't imagine how they could be so anal about this.
  • cc_campbell81
    Try to take some snacks that you can eat while walking between classes such as granola bars, almonds, a piece of fruit, etc. As for the gym you are not the only one who feels that way. I doubt anyone in the gym feel like they are in perfect shape. I am 138 lbs and reasonably fit. I still feel fat at the gym and I too get really red. I've actually had people ask if I was sun burned! I just try to focus on why I am there. It may be a little embarassing and akward but it's a path to your goal and to a new you. Face it head on, you can do it!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I would make sure you get a healthy breakfast. Grad a bar to keep in you bag. Can you drink in class? What about making a smoothie or shake loaded with fruit. Pack a lunch to eat on the way home.
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    Make sure you have a health snack in the car to eat on the way home. that way you won't be tempted to stop at the Fast Food places and you will have enough control to make healthy choices when you get home.
  • Sardine239
    Sardine239 Posts: 72 Member
    I totally know where you're coming from. From the time I leave for class and the time I get back home, 4 and a half hours have gone by. I try to eat a good snack/meal before I leave (or in the car if I running late) and during breaks, I'll eat a granola bar or some jerky and if I'm in class that discourages eating in class, I down the water, it helps alot with hunger... As far as driving past fast food places on the way home, chew some gum on your drive, helps me wait until I get home to eat.
  • pinietchegoin
    Do not get discouraged. I lost 40 lbs. 13 years ago. Recently I've gained about 6-8 lbs. back. I can not lose those lbs. to save my life, but I keep trying. I have not let myself go.
    What I would suggest is to definitely take w/ you to school maybe some lunch meat, like turkey, wrapped around a piece of mozzarella cheese in a plastic baggie. It's portable, handy, and something you can gobble down as you're walking to your next class. Another idea is a peanut butter sandwich, with low cal wheat bread of course. Anything that's small, portable and quick to eat. As far as driving home starved. Never. Have some protein bars, almonds, popped low fat popcorn, anything like that to get you home. Once you're home has some pre-made vegetable, very low cal soup in the fridge. Pop that in the microwave,eat and enjoy until you can make a real meal. Also, always have pre-made salad in the fridge. You can scarf on that while you make a meal.
    I don't want to offend you, but sounds like you're making excuses. Don't do it. You just sabotage yourself. Let me tell you.....being thin feels much better than the candy bar that you put in your stomach for a minute of satisfaction.
    I used to be in your shoes and I feel so much better now.
    As far as exercise. You can always fit in 20 minutes a day of jump roping, a quick video, core exercises,or whatever, and all in the privacy of you're home. I've never joined a gym. I walk and do videos at home. Try it you'll like it.
    Good luck.
  • greeneyedgirl829
    Thank you so much for the advice everyone, I've gotten some very good ideas from this! What I need is a plan, and I'm starting to develop one. Gym tomorrow at 12 :) Also, pinietchegoin, your right, I was making excuses. This has been a tough week, but that was my last whine haha. Dedicated Kelly is back :smile:
  • LoraBenzie
    Just keep going and make yourself make the right choices! I resisted cake being waved in my face all day at college and I feel so good about myself now! Hang in there!
  • allyson2212
    Im right there with you! I just started, had my fourth child 6 weeks ago, and it has been really hard for me to get motivated also. You think its silly to be embarassed about going to the gym? I have a hard time working out in my own house because Im afraid my neighbors are going to be spying on me, lol. We'll get through it!!!
  • LoraBenzie
    If you have to munch to give you the simple satisfaction... measure out 1 Cup of Kellog's Rice Crispies and keep it on hand! Without milk it's about 100 calories and because it's dry you can pick at it as a snack throughout the day. It helps me not think about eating sweets and cake because it keeps your mouth occupied! It doesn't sound like a lot, but I always stop munching when the need to eat my sweeties goes away!