Newer and could use some help

I originally started MyFitnessPal as a 5 day fun challenge with a friend from high school. However, now I am in a competition with my husband and I need to lose 100lbs. If anyone has any tips, tricks, or just general encouragement would be wonderfully welcomed.

Thank you all so much in advance and have an amazing journey to reach your goal(s). :happy:


  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want someone to help with encouragement! My advice - AVOID THE FADS! The best way to lose the weight is eating a balanced diet of natural (unprocessed) foods and busting your but at the gym!
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    Lift heavy. Track calories. Take in less than you burn.

    That's pretty much it.

    To clarify: you can go on and on about finer points like eating clean, whole foods, etc etc, but in the end, it still comes down to basic math: If you burn more than you take in, you will lose weight, period.

    The other stuff matters in terms of overall health, but if all you really care about is weightloss, only the math matters.
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, you can add me, been here nearly 2 months, logging in everyday and eating healthy and doing plenty of exercise. No fads just being sensible, this is a lifestyle NOT a diet.
  • girbear08
    Thank you all so very very much. In the past week I have adjusted my calorie intake and started tracking (except yesterday for some reason) every calorie consumed. I have started a rotation in working out (which I am slightly tracking as I don't like the facts that it makes it so more calories are available during the day) which is mainly low impact to start.
    I have noticed however that it is hard for me to hit the 1200. I am hoping this will become easier as it progresses. I also noticed I consume way more water then I expected. My job is a sit down job so I spend most of my day just drinking water, water, and more water.
    Thank you all again. I greatly appreciate your input.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Harder to hit 1200 how... as in you eat too much or too little?
  • llm161
    llm161 Posts: 14 Member
    It is hard to hit the 1200 calories. . .. I have to watch myself because sometimes, I'm so far away when I figure it out at night. So, with my phone, I've been able to keep up during the day at work. This way, if I need more calories, I know what to make for dinner.

    Some days, I'm just so hungry and other days. . . . not.

    I would at a greenhouse so it's not as if I'm home and can just pick something out of the cupboard. . . .. thank goodness, that's my downfall.

    Suggestions - no fads, healthy foods and balanced meals. I don't work out since my job is so physical. Then I come home and do gardening at home. I've learned not to post my gardening activites til at night otherwise I think I can just eat all those calories that I burned up.
  • gnwolford
    gnwolford Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in your corner Girbear08

    A strong desire for change, the will to change and patience and perseverance when things are'nt happening fast enough.

    A 1000 mile walk starts with one small step.

    Ounces lost per day leads to pounds lost. Weigh yourself daily and at the same time each day. It took me four years to lose 40 pounds and almost two years to gain 20 of those pounds back.

    Now I'm just trying to maintain a healthy weight daily.

    You can and will do this, and just keep thinking of all those sweet dividends at the end of your journey, that you will have earned and worked hard for.

    All the very Best of Health, Girbear.


  • girbear08
    I am averaging around 300 under. I never am hungry which has always been the same for me. When I was in school I used to have 2 pieces of gum for lunch (never weighted more then 110 all the way through school) and would be fine all day long.
    My average day is about ½ to 1 serving of cereal (kind depends on which box is open that my daughter hasn’t eat yet) and a ¼ to ½ serving of Silk vanilla milk at 8:30am. Then lunch is a sandwich (and it is hard for me to finish most days cause I am not hungry at all) around 12:30/1. Dinner is 5oz chicken and either tomato sauce, cheese, and pasta or veggies and cottage cheese around 7:30/8 (still not hungry at all, but have to eat cause my husband wont eat unless I am). I also try and put in a couple snacks through out the day (this week has mainly been Cocoa roasted almonds).

    llm161 can we trade jobs I used to love working in my grandmothers garden and my mother’s old green house. It was a dream come true for me to be surrounded by all the veggies and fresh smelling plants.

    Also, Thank you Gary and the best of luck to you with maintaining a healthy weight.
  • BraelinBear94


    Im new here. Perhaps someone could show me what the trick it all is for losing weight, and maintaining it.

    Thank you