A new goal for me

I have decided that when I get to 11st 12lb or 76kg I am going to start training to run a 10K race next year. I am 2lb away from that. I have done around 5 5K races since 2008 and now I am ready to step up. What new things are you going to do when you lose weight? What milestones do you have for yourself before you reach your target weight?

I'd love to hear from you.



  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    I'd really love to start kayaking next spring / summer. Over the winter months, I want to work on my upper body strength. Got a little bit of flabby arms happening now. Until the snow flies in Syracuse, NY, I'm going to continue walking and losing the flab around my middle and my "bum" (I think that's the term you all use for rear-end) ..... I have another 30 lbs to lose and then I'll be happy to maintain and have fun doing more things!