I want new friends on MFP but I'm afraid of being judged...



  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    I am on board with most everyone here. It is hard to judge someone , when you don't know what battles they are *really* fighting. If you are honest with yourself, and trying hard, what more can anyone ask? When you allow others to peer into your life via social media you open yourself up to many ideas, opinions and thoughts. Be it educated or ignorant. There is no ONE right way. :flowerforyou: That being said, I personally do not care what you eat how you eat it, or what your calorie count is. So long as you are not into self harm, and if you do have trouble with food/ exercise OCD- I really hope you can find the true attention from a professional you need.
    I will share with you MY personal goal in hopes that it inspires you. : My goal is to be stronger. I will always be thick and muscular. God made me that way. Instead of hiding and misusing his gift, my mission is to praise myself for the things I DO have,and be better. Stronger. Use my gifts.
    So use your gift! If you are naturally slender take a look at the Bar Method, or Tracy Anderson Method. Both focusing on the beauty of fine muscle tone, accentuating the beauty of lean smaller bodies. Learn to nourish your body, not count calories. :wink:

    I agree 100% with this post. That said, feel free to add me, if you'd like. ((I rarely, if ever, listen to people's comments about my weight, only my doctor, because I've been called "fat" when I weighed less than you do, I am 5'4", these days I get told "there's nothing wrong with your wt! and I started this journey of wt loss at ~245#'s!))

  • docscottj
    docscottj Posts: 8 Member
    Like all have said, we're here to meet our goals and support one another.
    I don't have friends here either...feel free to add me if you like.

  • Nik0417
    Nik0417 Posts: 96 Member
    i don't judge! Feel free to add me :)

  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Hi - in some ways you're quite similar to me. I was also at a weight which didn't strictly speaking count as 'overweight' according to BMI charts, but was on the verge of overweight, and definitely wasn't right for my body, and I felt uncomfortable in it. I'd gained the weight from overeating - not stopping eating when I was full - and having a sedentary lifestyle. And now, having become more aware of my eating habits, listening to my body, stopping when I'm full, eating a lot more fruit and veg, and also having a much more active lifestyle, I have lost 25 lb, and am feeling much, much better, physically and mentally. Also still within the healthy range of the BMI charts, so not underweight. It's interesting how even within that 'healthy' range, the actual healthy weight will be different for each person. Feel free to add me.
  • ksm_623
    ksm_623 Posts: 12 Member
    No judgements here. In the end, people generally set goals and attain them to feel better about themselves. As long as you feel good about what you are doing and you aren't doing anything dangerous, I would be a supportive addition to your friend collection. Feel free to add me :)
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    We are all here to help each other. Best wishes to you.
  • gaschwartz
    gaschwartz Posts: 6 Member
    There is nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy and fit, and it is necessary to track our performance and improve on it. I am really close to my goal as well and it is tough, but the closer you get the harder it seems. Keep it up and do not let anyone keep you down. Add me if you would like.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I don't judge intentionally.
    Everyone judges.

    I just do it silently. And If I have an opinion I'll say it in the nicest way possible and then it's your right to agree or disagree with my said opinion..

    Just being honest. You can add me if you want.
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Not a Judge..feel free to add :smile:
  • cliq2000
    cliq2000 Posts: 21
    Hi, also new here, but it is a great site...that bein said i have a judgy family as well, so yes i really heard what you said! Although it would be a lot more helpful to know how tall you are, it still seems to me that you realized your eating was unhealthy, and you felt lousy and depressed. Seems to me a loving friend and family would be overjoyed with your new lifestyle. Im here for you!
  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    If you are shorter then that's a normal weight range. Im 5'7" if i was 110 I'd be under weight. Actually 118 too! But i have a friend who is 5'3" and weighs 103 and is a size 3 not skinny small frame who eats n looks healthy. As long as you're not trying for 110 pounds at 5'10" I say It's fine. What is your current bmi and size for clothing? I'd go by that too. If It's healthy range n u won't wind up a 0 forget what they say.
  • enoughofnothing
    I'm 5'6'' and my BMI is 18.3. I wear a size from 0 to 3, depends on what is the item !
    If you are shorter then that's a normal weight range. Im 5'7" if i was 110 I'd be under weight. Actually 118 too! But i have a friend who is 5'3" and weighs 103 and is a size 3 not skinny small frame who eats n looks healthy. As long as you're not trying for 110 pounds at 5'10" I say It's fine. What is your current bmi and size for clothing? I'd go by that too. If It's healthy range n u won't wind up a 0 forget what they say.
  • enoughofnothing
    Thank you to everyone, I appreciated it and I feel really blessed :flowerforyou: