I just don't understand.



  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I don't see exercise for the last 2 days, and then on Saturday, you have jogging at 10 MPH. I personally wonder, how did you come upon 10 mph? (My speeds come off of a GPS device) (My wife just said that would be running a half marathon in about one hour, which I think means I need to call Shenanigans.) (my wife suggest that MAYBE you meant 6 mph, which would take 10 minutes to go a mile) (On Aug 1st, you have the 6 MPH jogging selected, and I wonder if that might still be high)

    Cycling, are you using simple start and finish time to get your time? Last Friday you have 140 minutes at 10~12 mph, but it seems off to me as well, but not as off as the previous comment. No, I take that back, if you run the same speed you bike, I have an issue there. For cycling, time should be directly off a speedometer (15 bucks from walmart works as well here as a $50 one, and then only use the time on the trip meter.)

    I am curious about July 31st, entry: Swings As I said, I am curious as to just what that is. Its not in the general database, so how did you get the 113 Cal for 15 minutes there?

    Sunday Jul 29th, 420 minutes of vigorous cleaning? (1552 Cal) Not calling you a liar, but 7 hours nonstop seems way too high, just as high as the 420 itself. I do know people that do massive cleaning, but still...

    July 25th for the win. No comments there.

    Most of the cleaning I see is 30 minutes, so I wonder if the 420 was a typo that you missed? Also, a handful of days with NO exercise to begin with. I think you might be overestimating a number of your exercises, and then eating too many of them back.
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I'm with you! Idk what I'm doing wrong :( Everyone says 20% below TDEE... but that means I'd eat 2000 cals a day. I have a hard time convincing myself I can eat that much and still lose weight! :(

    Because FitBit is a lying little basterd eh? I never trust it to give me the extra 100~300 when the day ends, personally, I just use it for timing functions, and the small boost I get from when I am out shopping for work. Maybe you have the wrong activity level on it, IDK, could be. 100 calories a day is a pound after 5 weeks.
  • luckyxjen
    I don't see exercise for the last 2 days, and then on Saturday, you have jogging at 10 MPH. I personally wonder, how did you come upon 10 mph? (My speeds come off of a GPS device) (My wife just said that would be running a half marathon in about one hour, which I think means I need to call Shenanigans.) (my wife suggest that MAYBE you meant 6 mph, which would take 10 minutes to go a mile) (On Aug 1st, you have the 6 MPH jogging selected, and I wonder if that might still be high)

    Cycling, are you using simple start and finish time to get your time? Last Friday you have 140 minutes at 10~12 mph, but it seems off to me as well, but not as off as the previous comment. No, I take that back, if you run the same speed you bike, I have an issue there. For cycling, time should be directly off a speedometer (15 bucks from walmart works as well here as a $50 one, and then only use the time on the trip meter.)

    I am curious about July 31st, entry: Swings As I said, I am curious as to just what that is. Its not in the general database, so how did you get the 113 Cal for 15 minutes there?

    Sunday Jul 29th, 420 minutes of vigorous cleaning? (1552 Cal) Not calling you a liar, but 7 hours nonstop seems way too high, just as high as the 420 itself. I do know people that do massive cleaning, but still...

    July 25th for the win. No comments there.

    Most of the cleaning I see is 30 minutes, so I wonder if the 420 was a typo that you missed? Also, a handful of days with NO exercise to begin with. I think you might be overestimating a number of your exercises, and then eating too many of them back.

    First of all, thank you for such uplifting advice. If I wanted a drill sergeant, I would have joined the armed forces..

    I'm new to this and I'm starting out slow. I've done a million and one things, and I know myself better than to just jump into something full force and give up all of the things that my body is used to. I look up and track the things that I track just to keep myself aware of what I'm doing. THIS would be why I record all the not so healthy food I eat. YES, I STILL EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD! (forgive me for being human) It may not be 100% accurate, but like I said, it's more to keep MYSELF aware. Oh, and thank you for the hint to buying a speedometer, however I am a full time student with a minimum wage, part time job and have bills to pay, therefore the last thing on my list of things to buy is a speedometer ... FOR MY BIKE. I'm taking baby steps, and quite frankly, I'm proud of myself for sticking with it thus far. I will continue to progress, my results just may not come as quickly as yours and so many others, but like I said, I'm human and I have to do things at my own pace.
  • rkcampbell
    rkcampbell Posts: 188 Member
    I guess I don't get it. You asked for advice and now you're getting angry. The previous poster was just trying to point out examples of where you may be overestimating. I didn't see anything condescending or rude at all. It seems like you're trying to make excuses while others are trying to help you.

    I looked through your diary and almost every meal is eaten out. The sodium alone will make you retain water and seem like you're gaining or holding onto weight. Ramen noodles and mac and cheese (as amazing as they are!) will not give you much if any nutrition to fuel your body. Try for more whole, single ingredient foods. Try snacking throughout the day on fruits and veggies so you won't be as tempted to eat high calorie meals.

    Also, I'm really not trying to be rude, but I have to say, if you have the money to eat out everyday, you have the money to buy a cheap speedometer. Just saying...
  • LikesVeges
    LikesVeges Posts: 42 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. Lot of info getting tossed around here. It's great you are making the effort and recording your foods. You are an attractive girl and you will get there. The cool thing is, as you learn more about what's healthy for you, when you get to your goal you will have new habits and be able to maintain a healthy, happy weight. It'll be great to feel good in your skin!

    I suggest you go through all the replys and pick and chose what you like. Also, I love the healthy eating section and fitness section at the library or the bookstore. Jillian Michaels and the Biggest Loser franchise have some sound advice and menu suggestions in their books. Lots of others, I'm sure.

    Keep seeking.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    OP, you'll be getting all kinds of "colorful" advice... believe me! It takes time to hone your nutrition, so just do what you can, where you are with what you have. That said,

    My suggestions:
    ~eat from your kitchen (or moms, lol!)
    ~opt for food choices that you have to cook, not just heat.
    ~get some good protein in there
    ~log CONSISTENTLY, even when its a total pain in the butt.

    BEST OF LUCK!!! :bigsmile:
  • luckyxjen
    I guess I don't get it. You asked for advice and now you're getting angry. The previous poster was just trying to point out examples of where you may be overestimating. I didn't see anything condescending or rude at all. It seems like you're trying to make excuses while others are trying to help you.

    I looked through your diary and almost every meal is eaten out. The sodium alone will make you retain water and seem like you're gaining or holding onto weight. Ramen noodles and mac and cheese (as amazing as they are!) will not give you much if any nutrition to fuel your body. Try for more whole, single ingredient foods. Try snacking throughout the day on fruits and veggies so you won't be as tempted to eat high calorie meals.

    Also, I'm really not trying to be rude, but I have to say, if you have the money to eat out everyday, you have the money to buy a cheap speedometer. Just saying...

    I'm not angry in the slightest, but what I asked for was ADVICE not a play by play of my diary. I know what I'm eating, where I'm getting it from, and what I (and my boyfriend) am spending. I didn't ask for each and every person on here to tell me every singe thing I'm doing wrong, I asked for tips to improve what I'm doing, again, not a play by play of what I'm eating and criticism rather than advice. That's all.
  • luckyxjen
    OP, you'll be getting all kinds of "colorful" advice... believe me! It takes time to hone your nutrition, so just do what you can, where you are with what you have. That said,

    My suggestions:
    ~eat from your kitchen (or moms, lol!)
    ~opt for food choices that you have to cook, not just heat.
    ~get some good protein in there
    ~log CONSISTENTLY, even when its a total pain in the butt.

    BEST OF LUCK!!! :bigsmile:

    Thank you! I've been doing a lot more of that. Cooking at home, thought not as much as I should. I've been parking farther away from the door at school and work, I've been packing lunches rather than going to get stuff, I've been snacking on yogurt or string cheese or a banana or carrots in stead of chips. I'm making better choices, slowly but surely.