One year on my journey

Well, soo it will be one year since I was diagnosed with Type II has been quite a journey!
I started at 197 pounds and my A1C was 7.5. I started walking 15 minutes a day and doing 5 situps on my ablounge....slowly I progressed to 3 miles a day and 225 situps on the ablounge....after 4 months my A1C had dropped to 6.5 (normal is 5.5) I incurred bad tendonitis in my heels from walking...but kept on keeping on...In May I joined Fitness Planet near my home and since then I have worked out with weights and stationery bike and arc trainer (these are lower impact and help the heel tendonitis) and some interval training, as well..( I try and go to the gym at least 5 days a week)......I have gone down 3 pants A1c after another 4 months was down to average sugar number is in the low 90's....I have lost a total of 47 pounds ...and I think I am in the best physical shape of my whole life!!!
I will be seeing my doctor again nest month for my 1 year followup and can't wait to see where my numbers are now! ( he told me I am his poster child for people with diabetes).
I have had several naysayers tell me I am addicted to exercise and that they think I exercise too much...but I put those comment into the wind!
My immeadiate family is very supportive and proud of my accomplishments...I want to thank everyone of you who posted and gave me encouragement....I am not on here so much any more as fitness pal helped me learn how to make healthy eating choices and use exercise and it has become my lifestyle and I don't really need to log everything anymore....but to all of you I am pulling for you and keep on keeping on in your endeavors to get fit and healthy! God Bless!


  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    Congratulations. I wish I could get more of my patients to do what you have done.
  • GoalSixPack
  • BarbACona
    Good, good, good for you! You should be so proud of taking care of yourself. Awesome work and keep it up!
  • bkwhit1964
    Way to Go Keep up the good work!
    Thank you for this post. I really needed that I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes about 3 months ago. I am trying to make alot of lifestyle changes and it gets hard some days. This is reassuring that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well done!!!
  • Purplerain45
    Thanks, It was hard at first but now has become a lifesyle change....I know that people with diabetes need to educate themselves about their disease..and they do not ...I work with people much more advanced in their disease and they think because they take more insulin that they can eat whatever they want....I had one girl tell me they upped her insulin and now she cah eat more bread and is too bad that they are so in the dark as to what is happening to their bodies and doctors do not have the time to sit and educate every one!!!
  • Purplerain45
    Thank you and congrats to you as well on your loss!!!
  • Purplerain45
    Thank you Barb....and congrats on your loss as well...and good luck to you!!!:happy:
  • Purplerain45
    Thanks Bk,
    I am so glad to hear you are trying to get your diabetes under control ..or at least improvement!!! I was a nurse aide supervisor for 10 years and have watched many die throught this disease.....please research your disease and get knowledgeable about what is happening to your body when your sugar is many people rely on the meds to bring it down and continue to eat somewhat as they did is a MUST that a diabetic change the types of food they eat....and get proper exercise!! I see you have lost 7 pounds and that is excellent!!! If you would like me to talk to you at any time please feel free to message me. I do not check in on MFP everyday anymore as I have adopted my new healthy lifestyle and don't need so much help ...but MFP was a Godsend in my first baby steps in taking control of my disease!!! Good luck to you!!!! :smile:
  • Purplerain45
    Thanks Sabine!!!
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