New here

Hello everybody. I'm new to this site but think it's going to be a positive thing for me. Right now I'm 160lbs and 5'8" tall, so technically still in the healthy/ normal range. However I joined because due to poor eating and drinking too much I've gained about 10 lbs in just a few months. Not good. So, I'm trying to get on track and think this structure will be helpful. 1200 calories seems like a tough goal starting out, so I guess I could use a little motivation from those who've been doing this for a bit and have been successful. thank you!



  • ksm_623
    ksm_623 Posts: 12 Member
    The structure of this site definitely helps me when I'm in the habit of using it.
    1200 calories a day doesn't seem like much, but you can eat back your exercise calories if you like without causing problems as long as you eat somewhat healthy. Good luck. You can add me if you need a motivational friend.
  • jroselive2012
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I will def ad you!:smile:
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    yes ... I agree about the exercise element. I find putting in 30 minutes or an hour /day really helps keep me within my calorie goal