Clean Eating anyone

I found out about eating clean on pinterest. It's not a diet, but a change in eating habits. The only thing that's limited is processed foods. All fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats are on the table. The downside to planning your menu is that it'll be a bit expensive unless you use frozen veggies Is anyone trying this? It seems pretty straight forward. My first step is to cut out processed foods and drinks....can't wait to see the results.


  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    I've been eating clean for a year. Check out this website and get Tosca Reno's book Eat Clean Diet Recharged. It's an AMAZING book and tells you all you need to know. Pick up a copy of Eat Clean magazine too. You will love the way your body feels and looks when you cut out all the processed chemical crap. I guarantee you will see a big difference in your energy, your skin, health, and weight loss.
  • Music4Hym777
    Music4Hym777 Posts: 71 Member
    I eat clean the majority of the time. I would say about 75% of the time. I absolutely feel better eating that way. There are times when I eat a "natural" Annie Chun's meals when I am running low on time. I also need my starbucks at times, but am trying to cut back on those too.

    I dont know what part of the world you live in, but there are ways to eat clean cheaper one thing that I did was get a membership to a reclaimed produce club. So I get tons of fresh produce from that. Also do you have bountiful baskets or anything like that? Also a Costco membership is a good investment too.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    I use frozen fruits and veggies- they work just as fine for me.
  • marlopaterson
    The Eat Clean diet is amazing! I'm a vegetarian and Tosca Reno (mentioned previously) has a vegetarian cookbook. Take baby steps like you said, and cut out one thing at a time. Good luck!

  • ClascyParra
    I've been eating clean for almost 8 years now. I started it when I got pregnant with my first daughter. At my heaviest I was 240 the time I got pregnant with my first I was down to 140 already, but it was a constant battle with what to eat. Should I eat low fat? watch calories? do low carb? atkins? south beach? etc. When I started eating clean it all just clicked. At the end of my pregnancy I was at 176 pounds and 2 years post pregnancy I was down to 110 pounds. I have since had a second child (July was 2 years post pregnancy with her) and am currently at 118 pounds and trying to actually put on more muscle...not really looking to drop much more weight really....just drop more body fat and add bulk with muscle.

    Eating clean is the only way to eat for me. I've looked into changing over to paleo, but the minute I saw that lentils was a no go, I decided to hold off LOL (I love lentils!!)...yes that is a current deal breaker.

    Definitely get Tosca's books (I own every single one...including her newest Vegetarian cookbook) and Clean Eating magazine (I also have every issue since its inception...and yes I keep them all).

    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • asticoral
    I'm a firm believer that processed foods are the bane of our existence. Child obesity, behavioral and health problems are just the start.
    Since waking up and getting a hold on my habits, I've gone virtually completely clean other than an occasional foray into beef jerky or fiber one bars fruits and veggies have taken over, first thing I noticed was the lack of skin bloating and my heart stopped hammering at rest.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Am not doing the "Eat Clean" diet as a program - I've been following Dr. John McDougall's 'diet' (low fat vegan) and sort of naturally migrated to clean eating as a result of that. I still do coffee every morning, and I cheat now and again - but basically it's fruit, veggies, whole grains and similar products. I love it.