A little disappointed..

AvianDreams Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So today I woke up with a sore shoulder. I think I may have had some poor form with my 30 Day Shred workout last night. Now I have to wait a couple days before I can start it again. :( I am going to do my Walk At Home workouts instead until the pain is gone. This is so disappointing. I was starting to feel the difference in my muscles already and I am on day 5! Oh well. I don't want to hurt myself even more.


  • I hope your shoulder gets better, the 30 days shred is a kick in the butt. So be proud of yourself for doing it. It's ok to do light exercise for a few days.
  • I had ache after ache with that workout video... but just kept pushing through (with the help of frequent massages... both through the use of the homedics massager and my chiropractor). I had to modify the weight I was using (when it was a shoulder ache), then which workout I did (when it was my knee), and added more stretches (when a nerve in my thigh was pinched)... I lost 15 lbs in three weeks... and still counting! I have, since then, started rotating workouts (10 minute trainer by Tony Horton and Beachbody and my elliptical as well as Yoga), but don't worry... it really DOES get easier :)
  • Darcylynn
    Darcylynn Posts: 7 Member
    when I first started 30 day shred, I had to do it every other day. There's no shame in that. Keep up the good work.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Find a really good chiropractor for your area. He can do wonders for that shoulder (and any other parts bugging you). I always thought they were quacks until I started seeing a phenomenal one who also practices internal medicine. Now I can't say enough about them!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Put some ice on your shoulder and take some advil or other anti-inflam. to help with the pain.
  • esther63
    esther63 Posts: 5 Member
    Where do you find the 30 day shred? Sounds like a good goal. I myself tripped on the sidewalk (yes, klutzy) while doing my "power walk" and hurt my knee --so I understand the disappointment. Just when you think you're getting going, you have a setback. A week later I can walk but can't put a lot of pressure on my right knee. Dr. says 6 weeks til it's back to normal. I'm still tracking my food - ---but haven't exercised per se - in a week.
    Time to stop feeling sorry for myself ---and to do what I can do, I guess!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Do some leg lifts and sit ups instead for a while :tongue:
  • Get someone to do a 30min deep tissue massage with arnica oil and then cool it down for 30 mins with ice. I injured my shoulder about five years ago and walked around with a numbness for a very long time I could hardly train eventually out of sheer desperation I went to a sports therapist that did a deep tissue massage to realign my muscle fibres I visited her three times and I was CURED... LOL… seriously don't mess around with an injury have it seen to immediately.

    Look after your body it’s the only one you have
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