Deployed and looking to lose weight and get fit

snewark Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everybody! I have to admit I normally wouldn't put this much effort at home to watch my calorie intake and be so anal about getting fit and losing weight but in this environment you get bored easily, and sometimes you just look for things to do. SO....there are a couple girls in my office trying out this new website and we have fun comparing our food intake and how much we excercise everyday. I am engaged to be married after I get home from my deployment and have two children. Like I said before I normally wouldn't have so much free time to take care of myself but I think this is a good opportunity to see just how fit I can get in the next 7 months! I am excited and it get's my mind off of being away from my loved ones. I am 29 and started out at about 133 lbs, and my goal is to get down to 125. I know some of the muscle mass from working out will take a toll on how much I weigh so Im leaving my goal at 125 instead of 120. Any ideas on this? I don't know how realistic it is to set my weight back to 120lbs when I am lifting weights at the gym. Not too sure how all of it works, but my main thing is to just be healthy and get nice and toned! So....the adventure begins :)


  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Hello! This is a great site to use, and it is exciting to see the progress and difference when you really watch what you eat.
    I agree with setting the goal weight, for me, I am just trying to ensure that I am within standards (160 and 33% BF) and from there I will continue to see where I am most comfortable. When I look at the weight that I should be, it scares me because I don't ever see myself that small.

    Be safe on deployment and this is a great place to still be able to find blogs because I know your day is ending as everyone else is beginning. I am in that same boat!
  • Don't be scared! You probably won't notice how much different you look, most others will though and it's nice when others notice for sure! I noticed you already lost 14lbs!!!! That is amazing! Good job! So you said you are in the same boat with the time difference? Where are you? Are you a military wife? Thanks for being the first person to respond to my post!
  • Good morning. I saw your post this morning when I got to work. I'm also in the military (as well as my daughter, son-in-law, and son) and I'm getting ready to deploy in March. One of the things I've promised myself is that I will use the gym (and my daughter's encouragement - she's deploying also) to continue losing this weight. At this point in my life, my job as well as my health depends on getting a passing score on my fitness test. This is a great site for seeing what I'm REALLY eating, and then making better decisions about what I eat. Good luck on your deployment, and be safe.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    No, I am active USN in the 5th fleet EURAFSWA, right now there is a 8 hour time difference from the East Coast. Thank you! Right now, I only have 2 lbs for my mini goal. Your right, that people will notice the weight difference and as long as I keep working out, it will be muscle so I should look well. What happened before I lost 23 lbs with WW alone and did not work out at all, so I lost weight in ALL the wrong places and it did not fit me too well. Now, I am focusing on toning as I am losing.
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    I am Active AF I lost a lot of weight even with KBR food while I was deployed I still have a bit more to go... you can do it.
    I spent a lot of time in the gym and running...I even ran a half marathon while deployed (very sorry time but I ran non the less)
    Try and find a partner who is just as motivated...There are lots of people who are bored with you :)
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