Motivation/Goal Clothing

I'm really really considering buying a pair of jeans a size smaller to kind of help keep me focused. When I went from 245lbs to 200lbs I had a dress I'd purchased that wouldn't zip up at 245lbs, and by the time I reached 200 I could zip it up and it was comfortable to wear. I don't have that dress anymore, but I was thinking of purchasing a pair of jeans today just so that when I fit into them comfortably I know I'm doing something right, even if the scale hasn't moved much. Thoughts?


  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    I think it's a great idea - I do this all the time! It's a good way to track progress and motivate yourself without depending on the scale. :smile:
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    That's what I was thinking, especially considering how obsessive I get over weighing myself. If I have another way to judge my progress that isn't measurements or weighing myself, then I'll probably be happier and I'll probably work harder to get into those jeans, especially with winter coming and me only owning one pair of jeans! HAHA.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I actually ended up buying a pair of size 12 jeans, Old Navy was having a $19 jean sale so WHY NOT. I also bought new yoga capris ;)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I buy clothes to help motivate. Earlier this week I bought this white corderoy jacket. I can physically get it on me but it's tight and and I can't button the one button it has.. and that was the biggest size too.. .So I bought it to have something to look forward to... I hung it with my regular jackets. At the tip top shelf in my closet, i ahve all my old "skinny" clothes I hope to one day fit in again adn can only get to it with a step ladder.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I've never in my life been skinny, I was thinner at one point. 175lbs at 5'9" and if I had just stayed that weight and grown into my 6'0" that would have been fine, I'd have been a nice weight for my height however once I quit horse back riding I packed on 60lbs in 3 months. And kept gaining until I was around 283lbs when I graduated from high school in 2007. I don't want to be 209lbs anymore, I'd like to be 180lbs which is a healthy BMI and would be a nice weight for me. Hence the motivation clothes :D So stoked to see the day when I can slip those 12's on no problems.

    Another motivation is going to be buying myself an expensive ski coat since I'll be cross-country skiing this winter with my boyfriend.
  • amrita0286
    I actually did this too... and so far it's a good motivator for me :)
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I did the same thing when I was losing weight. I always had one pair of Levis one size smaller than I was wearing. I also kept one pair of size 8's as my final goal size in the back of my closet (I now wear size 4).
  • ksm_623
    ksm_623 Posts: 12 Member
    I have never really thought about doing this. It's something I will definitely consider. I love clothes, but somehow I worry about spending money on something that I may not fit into. I guess if I like it enough I'll have to do the work for it. Thanks guys.
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    I do it. I went shopping and found a dress I liked in my size but I ended up getting it a size smaller. I also have jeans in a smaller size. I keep them on the back of my bedroom door so I see them every day. I know I am going to lose the weight and will need something to wear.
  • _dream_day_
    I just recently bought a dress 2 sizes samller then the one i bought last year and i hung it up so i can see it and it helps for modivation:)
  • CatLambee
    I did this very thing recently! i think it's a great idea as long as it's realistic.

    I say that mostly because I was like "I should buy a size 3 and when I can fit into that, I'll be happy!" and then I looked down at my hips, realized they were never, ever going to be size 3 again, and opted for a size 5. ;)
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    Yes.. that is a great idea. you should make it an entire outfit, add a shirt and cute cardigan over if you have the $. I have a pair of size 6 jeans that I can't wait to get in to. I'm an 8 right now, but started out as a size 18, so the thought of getting into those size 6 jeans just thrills me like nothing else!! Good luck to you and I bet you'll get your butt into those jeans soon enough!!
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    Haha I only have one problem finding a top smaller and that is my boos are pretty large and I don't know if they will continue to get smaller or not. So I opted for just the jeans for now.