Former Sugar Addicts!!! Help!!!



  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I found that my tastebuds have changed and things I used to like a lot, I no longer like. It takes a bit but I've also heard other people say their tastebuds never changed.

    I'd say just have patience with yourself most of all.
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks guys!! I can see this is going to be a challenge. Not only cutting back but avoiding unexpected temptations. My husband brought home a Starbucks for me. A mocha frappe!!! I poured it out but it was super hard. :)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    as a carb addict/coe/binge eater the only thing that helped me was cold turkey.
    i follow a low carb high fat ketogenic lifestyle now and it helps immensely.
    no sugar, no unhealthy carbs. lost of protein, vegetables, some dairy and some nuts.
    i'm rarely hungry, and while the cravings are there mentally, physically they've gone away.
  • oldsalty1
    Great idea to wean off slowly....Soda is no problem for me...Coke changed their formula or did something a few years back and I just quit drinking them...Pre packaged was hard to let go of because of time issues...took some planning and polishing up on cooking skills..but I can say we eat clean at least 75 percent of our diet some weeks are better than others...

    I know my weakness is sugar (cake, any cinnamon candy, rice pudding, oh boy this is bad...stopping now)

    and bread...

    I keep Domino Light (Stevia w/a little sugar)..which is amazing for sugar hounds like me!
    Found I had to replace the sugar or I would forage until I found it!! Sugar Free is hard if you are trying to stay away from additives...My sugar free treats are CoolWhip Free, Jello Instant Pudding mix only..a tablespoon added to plain Greek yogurt with a little cool whip free creates an amazing lo cal snack packed with protein...I don't deprive myself of these treats as long as I have the calories left for them...

    To be honest...I have not sugared out in quite a while...once I upped my daily calories my cravings really subsided for sugar...and I felt so much better having my little treat guilt added for not eating clean enough.

    Bread is completely different...If I smell it cooking I am in the toaster, at the market, gas stations with Sub Way are really my killer times...
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I could never cut out sugar. I like it too much! I am just much smarter about the options. I buy frozen yogurt, skinny cow candy, ice cream cups (the kind that come with wooden spoons) and skinny cow ice cream. I only eat a serving size and all of those options are less than 150 calories. I always save the 150 for the sugar...

    If you don't want to cut it out, it's another option, just be smarter. Using this option, I never go crazy and eat the whole carton or a box of cookies...
  • oldsalty1
    I tried Skinny Cow and it is amazing....but but but...I eat the whole box...loved every bite...swore to never buy it again...I am still a sugar holic...and probably always will be tempted. to eat the whole what ever....

    Found out tonight....greek yogurt plain....coolwhip free....and fresh peaches are an amazing combination of devilishness...
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    I'm a carb addict, and while I still have occasional treats, they do trigger me to eat even more. I have to be very careful about only having a little. I went off cold turkey when I started getting healthy, and it wasn't bad. When I went on vacation, I ate all the bad stuff again, and I felt horrible when I got home -- tired, slightly nauseous, and depressed (not guilty for eating on vacation -- I couldn't figure out why I felt bad until I took my eating into consideration). It took me a while to cut out the sugar again. Fortunately I don't take vacations all that often!