Macro help? Please?

I'm almost 18 years old. 5'4, around 130 pounds, 23% body fat.
I'm not worried about my weight, considering I'm looking to gain lean muscle and get my bf % down to about 19%.
However, as of about 2 weeks ago, I've only been counting calories. Not carbs, fats, protein, just eating what I want in moderation,
without worrying about my macros. The reason I did this was because after limiting my carbs to about 80 per day, I felt so tired and unhealthy with the amount that I workout! I run/jog/walk every single day for at least a half hour. I make sure I'm at the gym 5-6 days a week doing circuit training followed by cardio. I also do pilates videos.

I'm not sure ignoring the macros is the best thing to do, I just loathe the stress of the carb levels, etc.
BUT my physique and goals are way more important than just my food satisfaction. So I was wondering,
if a lot of people like the 40/30/30 plan or whatever .. what should I set my macros to? I'm clueless.

BTW, I feel I'm eating more carbs over anything right now, but it's all from things like fruit, oatmeal, whole-wheat, dark chocolate, etc with little unhealthy things on the side (hello, teddy grahams!)

Anyone wanna guide me? I'm willing to listen! Thank you all so much.


  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    I cannot tell you exact ratio on macros. But what worked for me was low carb- it has to be under 100 g a day, and high protein- at least a gram per body weight rather then lean body mass. I am very active, working out on daily basis at least an hour, most if the time 2, and got very used to low carbs. Actually, I have tons of energy, from protein.
  • mfkn_Titanium
    So if you want to gain muscle - you need to eat in a caloric surplus (more than you are burning). It's pretty hard to gain muscle and burn fat simultaneously unless you are a newbie lifter and have some extra fat on your body. You are also not gonna put on a bunch of muscle if you are doing a $hitton of cardio (as you will be burning a ton of calories - thus bringing you into a deficit if you are not eating enough).

    I'd say that despite what you decide to focus on (gain muscle or lose fat) you should be eating at least 130g of protein (1g per pound of bodyweight). Aiming for 50-60g of fat. And carbs will fall as they may providing you are hitting those first two macros. You didn't mention how many calories you are eating now a day - setting your macros up to 40/30/30 might work for you if you have the right calorie level dialed in so that those goals above can be hit.
  • kmiagia
    kmiagia Posts: 104
    My calories are set at 1500 for the day, for weight loss. I'm looking to lose fat, and get lean muscle. A personal trainer has me doing circuit training for this as well. :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    My calories are set at 1500 for the day, for weight loss. I'm looking to lose fat, and get lean muscle. A personal trainer has me doing circuit training for this as well. :)

    Choose to lose fat or choose to gain muscle. Set your diet according to that choice.

    You can attempt to recomp but that requires eating right at TDEE, which for you will very likely be above 1500.
  • mfkn_Titanium
    Well at 1500 a day you are not going to build muscle (and what is "lean muscle" anyway? Muscle is muscle). You will definitely lose fat as you are eating in a deficit so maybe your already-existing muscles will look more defined as the fat continues to go away. Again, to build muscle you need to be eating in a surplus (and you will put on a small bit of fat as well but this is necessary and easier to cut off later). Muscle takes a long time to build (men hope to put on 2 lbs a month of muscle eating in a surplus and lifting heavy). The reason people lift heavy while trying to lose fat is that you are more likely to retain some of that lean mass instead of losing even more muscle when dieting to lose weight. But you also have to be eating enough protein, or you will be shooting yourself in the foot since your body will catabolize your muscle to meet its protein requirements if you aren't getting enough.
  • Semperfione
    You know I have heard this before on here and almost word for word. What you're saying must be correct!!! One last thing might be added and that is not to eat below a calorie intake of 1200. Am I right on that part?

    Wishing you much success....:smile: