I was bad today

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I had done pretty well this week so I was expecting a 1-2 pound loss hopefully.....so I got up at 5 to go to the gym, did my Thursday weigh in and I had gained a half a pound:noway: I was so pissed I turned around and went right back to bed. I know the scale isn't everything, it could have been water weight or muscle weight, but I really didn't care, it totally took the wind out of my sails. Maybe if I don't have homework tonight I'll go after work.


  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    Ugh doesn't that SUCK? The same thing happened to me yesterday. I weighed in at my kickboxing class (we're doing a biggest loser competition) and I hadn't lost any weight. I've been busting my rear working out and have been following a really strict diet. It TOTALLY takes the wind out of your sails.

    Don't worry about it, though! Tomorrow will be better! I feel better when I think about long-term goals instead of week-to-week goals.
  • gmzbluhm
    gmzbluhm Posts: 43 Member
    :sad: I completely know the feeling. I tracked calories all week, and worked out everyday! Got on the scale this morning... UP 2 frickin' pounds!!! I'm at a loss! :mad:
  • ncislandgirl
    ncislandgirl Posts: 40 Member
    It gets frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything you can and the scale doesn't reflect it. Don't let the scale beat you. Continue on with your workout because otherwise you are definitely not going to see the number go down. I feel your pain. Good luck and stay strong!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Keep your chin up! You've already done so well, don't let one bad week get you down.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Aw Amy, stick with it. Look how far you have come! You will feel much better if you do work out later! I know what you mean though. I have been strictly following my calories, and working out everyday. I am excited to weigh in and see if I have made progress, but I have been avoiding the scale for a week and a half because if I don't see progress I know it will totally take away my motivation to continue doing so well!
  • Dont give up though! I go through that sometimes..and it sucks, part of it is being a woman and all..and theres times I wnat to say screw it! But then I just go and do it..and believe me, its hard to sink in your head to do..But dont give up!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I've always heard that muscle weighs more than fat. Maybe you are starting to gain muscle? I too, have experienced the scale saying that I weigh a little more than I thought, and it does really suck, but usually the next time I weigh, I'm even less than I thought I should weigh! So it all evens out! Keep your chin up and realize that you only have one life on earth in YOUR body, so make it count! :flowerforyou:
  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    Who cares what the scale says! What matters is how you feel. Do you feel healthy? Just keep doing what you're doing, maybe make some adjustments along the way (i.e. tweek your diet and/or workout) and don't get down on yourself. Let's go!!!
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Isn't that frustrating? Stick with it though! I don't know about other people, but for me when I have managed to be "really good" I have about a week lag before it suddenly shows up. I think it's more about your muscles retaining water from stepping up the exercise. Damn bodies, just don't work on OUR schedule!!!!
  • tkain
    tkain Posts: 28 Member
    I completely understand! The same thing has happened to me and it does balance out!! I am sure that next week you will see the scale moving!! Stay strong, the changes you are making to your lifestyle will eventually pay-off and you'll be so happy you stuck through the up and downs of this journey!!

    Also, Work out today!!! You will feel better! Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
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