I'm so useless :(



  • Aequitas503
    To those who said this should inspire new changes, you're right.

    The other Lindt bunny from Easter has been given to my brother.
    My 'chocolate stash' (hold over from old bad habits) has been hidden far in the depths of my cupboard where it takes effort to reach rather than 'oh I'll just have a little'.
    I will have a small serve of healthy veggies for dinner.
    I will stop enabling and sabotaging myself.
    I will stop saying 'oh, well I've messed up already, today is a bust, eat all the things!'

    I'm getting serious now. No more 'oh it's ok, the chocolate fits into my calories' (which it usually does except today). I won't get anywhere with my lifestyle change if I keep snacking on chocolate and ending up like today.

    Today is a wake up call. I have changed some things but not enough. I will still have chocolate, but no more 'secret stash' (I realise how bad that sounds even just typing it).

    I am NOT useless. I am learning healthy habits for life. Sometimes we slip up on that learning curve. That's life.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    So what you had a chocolate bar!?!? It's not the end of the world! It's not even detrimental. But hating on yourself, skipping nutritious meals and exercizing on poor fuel is. So what you make an unhealthy food choice...just make some healthier ones after it. Eat your balanced meals and excercise out of drive to be healthy...not guilt.

    Everyday is a new day. Anyhow its a lifestlye not a diet. Don't deprive yourself of little treats or you wont endure. Moderation is the key of course. Best wishes to you!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    What you expect, each day to be rainbow and unicorns? Some days are hard. 65g of fat isn't even that bad. You think fat makes you fat or something? That's not true.

    I wrote on my profile today about motivation. It's relevant to this topic.

    "My view on motivation and weight loss is you really don't need motivation. Sometimes we don't want to go to the gym or eat right. You just have to do it. I argued with myself for 30mins last week about going to the gym, I did go that time. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but we don't stop."

    Tings that happen on bad days are,

    no results for a while
    going over your calories
    not sticking your plan.
    Missing workouts

    I have been through all of them. I have had bad days, bad weeks, even bad months. Why? Sure i felt hopeless sometimes, I have wondered "what's the point?" i have wondered, "Will i ever reach my goal?' Yet I still lost over 100lbs. I just didn't stop.

    This. Having a lot of personal crap going on and ate 4 bakery cupcakes and ice cream all today. I don't really care and it's the first time I've ever not felt bad. Just keep going. No one said it was gonna be easy. It's worth it.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    oh and keep telling yourself you have to eat 3500 calories on top of your normal maintenance calories to gain a pound. You can fit yummy things into your calorie allowance and you can still be healthy doing it!!!
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    see look at all this support! you are not alone!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Just throw it up and don't make it a habit of binging.

    I sincerely hope you're joking.

    OP, don't put yourself down. Your journey to losing weight is NOT going to be linear. You are going to have days where you lose control over what you eat. You are going to have days where you don't go to the gym even though you promised yourself you would. You are going to have weeks where you don't lose, despite being really good, eating and exercise-wise. If you're so hard on yourself every time something like this happens, you're way more likely to give up. Remember that you are human and human beings are not perfect all of the time.

    At least some good came out of it! You realised you don't even enjoy mindless binge-eating anymore. Bear that in mind next time you feel like eating something that isn't good for you, really think about why you want to knock yourself down. Is it because you're sad? If so, think long and hard about whether eating will make that better. Are you bored? Find something engaging to do that DOESN'T involve food. Read, go for a walk, call a friend.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    What you expect, each day to be rainbow and unicorns? Some days are hard. 65g of fat isn't even that bad. You think fat makes you fat or something? That's not true.

    I wrote on my profile today about motivation. It's relevant to this topic.

    "My view on motivation and weight loss is you really don't need motivation. Sometimes we don't want to go to the gym or eat right. You just have to do it. I argued with myself for 30mins last week about going to the gym, I did go that time. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but we don't stop."

    Tings that happen on bad days are,

    no results for a while
    going over your calories
    not sticking your plan.
    Missing workouts

    I have been through all of them. I have had bad days, bad weeks, even bad months. Why? Sure i felt hopeless sometimes, I have wondered "what's the point?" i have wondered, "Will i ever reach my goal?' Yet I still lost over 100lbs. I just didn't stop.

  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    I used to think that way too, have the "all or nothing" mindset But that type of mindset will set you up for failure every time. One mistake, one moment of weakness, whatever you want to call it, doesn't have to turn into another and another. The very fact that you acknowledged you have eaten a whole bunny and that it wasn't the healthiest decision, and then exercising afterwards is a GOOD thing.That's progress, a step in the right direction. Now take another step and EAT dinner and make healthy choices for that meal. This process is a journey, faltering along the way is normal. Instead of beating yourself up psychologically, start righting down how you feel when you eat more than your're supposed to-figure out your triggers. Is it boredom, proximity to unhealthy food, stress, depression, anger, etc?? And come up with healthy alternatives to deal with that trigger. Nobody is perfect. You MUST cut yourself some slack and learn to forgive yourself. Becoming healthier is not just a physical thing, it's also about your mental/emotional health. Those parts of you must be part of the journey as well...
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    you can give up....or you can go on. I say it's that simple....I don't say it's that easy. Falling down, getting up. Welcome to life. You can call yourself useless and set behavior that will keep you on that path, or you can "feel" useless, acknowledge that you are having that emotional response to your behavior, grieve it, put it aside and move forward. This might not be the most comforting thing to hear right now but this isn't the last bad day you're going to have in your life. There are going to be more, a lot more. Sad to say but that's the cold, hard truth. It's not feeling fear that makes one a coward, it's what one does with the fear when they feel it that determines character. It's not feeling useless that makes one useless, it's what you do with that emotion when you feel it that determines what happens next. I know we've all seen the posters a million times but the caption reads:

    losing weight is hard
    working out is hard
    maintaining your weight loss is hard
    staying fat is hard

    Pick your hard.

    We all have those days. Like Pu_239 said, some of us have months like that. I've sat down with a 2 lb bag of chocolate chips, a huge jar of peanut butter and a gallon of milk and it's on like donkey kong. I can live there or get up and practice good eating habits the next day. Because until you die, there is always a "whats next". I mean, is this it? You're giving up? Well, we'll miss you. And I do not say that in a sarcastic or snide way at all. I miss everyone here who gives up. I'm not telling you what to feel. I understand the "feeling" of uselessness. But I don't let it end there. Look, you have an entire network of people here who are willing to support you (good days and bad) no matter how long it takes. Will you take advantage of it? Up to you. Hope you do.
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    LOL, boy if you were the only one of us who has done that.. MFP would be out of business. Just move on, you are going to stumble in life.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I just ate an ENTIRE 200g Lindt dark Gold Bunny.

    Yum. That sounds good.

    Only thing I don't get is Easter was like 4 months ago?
  • apocalypsepwnie
    It's done now.
    As you've said learn from it and move on.
    You are not useless. You've logged it and you've learned from that. Useless would be giving up completely, not logging it and continuing on exactly the same.
    You're pretty wonderful for being honest with yourself by logging it. Now it's there and you can go back and view it.

    To be honest I'm struggling with not making up my extra cals with naughty treats. I'm sometimes forcing myself because I'm so full to eat all my meals but suddenly I think about popcorn and I have room.. and the cals.
    As you've said, if I keep working it in I wont learn anything.
    So I don't. I had ice cream twice this week but I was still under and I had 2 really good days. But ya know, it'll probably be a long time till more ice cream.

    You have been doing this so you can keep moving with it.
  • shortjennifer
    Make sure you have a really good breakfast and plan a delicious evening meal. If sometimes you just can't have a light lunch don't worry and beat yourself up over it. More guilt = more comfort food = self hate and this will not make for a successful weight loss. Think about your good points and celebrate them and then take one step at a time onwards and upwards (or downwards in this context, I guess!). Good luck
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Well done for seeing past this. I intend to check out my bad day post any day I need to to stop the bad day blues.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    lmao at least you didnt suggest she run through the town square naked

    You pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. I was thinking of suggesting something sexual or some kind of nudity as penance for eating the chocolate bunny.

    What the hell is wrong with me? :(
  • lorryo
    lorryo Posts: 1
    You need to measure what time of the day it was, what you were feeling when you ate it and what you could be doing differently to break that habit.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I think the fact that you had TWO chocolate bunnies even make it this far since Easter needs to be applauded, I'd have had those things finished before the Easter Bunny had finished his rounds!

    Don't beat yourself up about it, you had willpower not to eat them for months, that's gotta count for something.
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Just remember this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. You are WORK IN PROGRESS. I am in maintenance, and it is still an effort every day, and hard. I suspect, it always will be.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You r human. Forgive yourself for what you can't change and move on. You have a weakness like everyone else. All of us here have the same weakness and that is why we are here. Good luck!
  • Nicoleleeee
    Nicoleleeee Posts: 42 Member
    The only thing I found upsetting about your post is that you didn't enjoy it. :frown:

    It's ok to have an occasional piece of chocolate or even the whole bunny! This isn't a diet, it's a life style change. :smile: