Ready... Steady... GO!

So this is my first time on mfp. I've used other weight loss websites before but none of them seem to have been able to get me to stick. So far I'm really liking mfp and after 1 day using the tools (mainly the phone application for android) I've already lost 2lbs!!

I'm nearly 21, 5 "3 and my starting weight was 208lbs (now 206), For those savvy few of you, you'll be able to tell that I am waaaayyyy over weight. I've been trying to lose around 5 stone for 3 years. It all started thanks to an ex-boyfriend who used to bully me because of my weight. Now however, I just want to lose the weight for me. I'm getting married in a few years and want to look better than I've ever looked for my big day. More than that though, I want to feel healthy. I've recently been suffering from depression and IBS so by losing some weight I think it will help.

I'd really like some friends to keep me on track and whom I could enjoy supporting as well. I look forward to reading your posts.

Thin Girl in a Fat Body x



  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    Good on you for taking the first step towards a new, healthy and even more fabulous you! I'm on a similar journey myself... 5'1" and was right 190lbs, now down 156lbs. I still have about 25-30 to go before I'm where I want to be... we'll get there! :-) It's all about doing it slow and changing the way you look at food and exercise and making those changes last a lifetime.

    Best of luck to you--do you mind if I add you as a friend?
  • Spr1718
    Spr1718 Posts: 6
    Good on you for losing so much weight already and thanks for the support! Go right ahead and add away! The more support I have the better x
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    My name is Melanie. Nice to meet you. I started at 336. Lost 31 pounds from March 2011 to March 2012. In May I stopped trying so hard, fell off the wagon. A couple of days a go I got back on here. One thing is for sure...MFP has many motivators, advise, and help tips that we all need to use in our own journey. I've gained all of what I lost and I can't give up. I would love it if you would like to be friends on here. Looking forward to talking with you again soon.