Scale Shock

I just started MFP a week ago. I put in the highest wt I thought I could be...just got on the scale I am 10 lbs heavier. Need to believe that I can take it off with MFP. Not too happy with myself


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Well that's a nasty reality check, but now you know and can do something about it! MFP works, and the more effort you give it the better your returns will be. Read the forums, comment, ask questions, find some like-minded friends, become slightly obsessed with it :wink: There are so many amazing success stories here! Read through them, and believe that you can do it too.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    If you follow the concepts and are a thourough logger, eat healthy as possible and don't go over you will lose it trust me.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I joined MFP after I obtained my first goal weight and am here for life and getting to my second goal - staying with a five pound range up or down from my new goal weight. I wish I had joined it from the start, but as long as it is up and running, I will log in because I have lost 4 pounds in the dreaded "red zone" (that less than 10 pounds to lose) . Stick with it, log every day good, bad or indifferent, and just keep adding the healthy habits to your lifestyle… the weight will come off and the energy level will come up.
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    Yeah that totally sucks but put it behind you and move on (hard I know) Check out all the success stories on this site it really works and there are do many great people who support and encourage! Stay with it girl you'll get there!!!!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'm sure someone else will say it, but you might need to open your diary for people to give you any advice.
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    Don't let it get you down!! You can DEFINITELY do something about it!!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    My shock was when I signed up here, and weighed myself (I was avoiding scales at all costs before this) "If I can do it, anyone can." I am sure we have all heard this a million times, but I am beginning to believe it now. I am going to be 61 on 9/30. I am an old lady that has had weight issues since reaching puberty. This is my 3rd serious attempt at dieting in my life. I have lost over 80# since I started by faithfully logging in and recording everything. It is like an obsession now for me too. I have a ways to go still, but for me, there is no turning back.
    "I am pretty sure that, if I can do it, anyone can do it":wink:
    Best of luck to you!
  • mnewks
    mnewks Posts: 2
    I had scale shock this morning too!! I hadn't weighed myself in months because I was scared of what I would see... found out that exactly one year ago I was 20 pounds lighter than I am now. Not a good feeling. But we can do it!!! Now that you know the number, just make it go down :)
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    I had a similar shock when I went to get my physical for work 252 lbs. I thought it can't be right - but it was. Reality check time! I'. 5'4" so that is BIG!

    So I cut out liquid calories (except for my am coffee - I will NOT mess with that ;>) and started paying attention to what I was eating. Next came a fitbit and MFP about a month ago. I have been taking baby steps in increasing my exercise. I have cut out eating out and am cooking daily again.

    Feel free to friend me as I am looking to add to add in the support part of this site now. As I said I was taking baby steps.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I am a runner, and have been told by my chiropractor no running for 2 weeks because he is seening me for upper back and neck issues....I was 1 lb away from my goal I am afraid to get on the scale.
  • Mich49045
    Mich49045 Posts: 13 Member
    thanks everyone.. love the positive energy. Ok here it goes...time to watch that needle move in the right direction...errr...I mean left direction:)