Time for me to kick it up

Hello guys, I'm new..my friend recommended this site to me : )

Let's see...a little about me. I'm 19 years old. I've been battling being overweight my whole life, it's not as high as it was years ago but I keep regaining the little I lost before and it's getting worse. Time to kick it into high gear! With this site I believe it'll be easier for me, since you guys can say "bad bad Kaname, no soda today" or something, hah! But seeing everyone doing well is making me want to try even harder. What I've seen so far, this site is really good, I hope to get along well with everyone ^^


  • pigbopa
    pigbopa Posts: 16 Member
    I know what you mean, I've always been heavy myself. MFP has definitely helped me this last go around, I still have a ways to go though. Having support from others helps as well. So welcome, and good luck.