New girl on the block! How youu doing?

Hello! I'm looking for supportive, healthy friends on the MyFitnessPal community! My name is Pocahontas, just like the Disney
Princess. Trust me was hard growing up with that name having kids asking all these crazy questions and singing songs whenever you say you're name :p. I'm from The Peach State and I just started college :) I am also recovering from an eating disorder, I'm glad to start a healthy life :D

So, tell me about yourself. What's you're name, favorite food, and reason to loose weight

Well, I love me some corn!


  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Haha, well aren't you a gem?! I am also a college student and also recovered from an eating disorder.

    I'm Ciara. Chips are my favorite food, and to lose weight well, for health reasons and to feel confident again!

    Fell free to add!
  • quietstormz_wehcnage
    Hi ,welcome to MFP,I am losing weight because I want to be healthier and live as long as possible,good enough reason for me!!:laugh: my favorite food is .......cheese burgers!!
  • xPocahontas
    @cior That's awesome! I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm glad you're better now, it must have made you a stronger person! I love your name, and chips yum!

    Request sent!