
I just joined Myfitnesspal on the suggestion of my friend, thanks Kristen. I have downloaded the app and I look forward to journaling my intake. I really struggled to get back to paper and pencil... My name is Maryanne. I live in Ohio and share my home with my husband and two Belgian shepherds (two varieties).
So far I am off to a good start thanks to the overflowing bounty of tomatoes from the garden... you can eat a lot of those suckers.


  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm sure you will find a lot of support and information on the boards here... welcome! :O) There are a whole range of folks here - everything from those who are trying to maintain a healthy weight and eating/exercise habits, to those with a lot of weight to lose. Some are just starting, and some are further along in their journey, but I personally think it's nice to hear (or read, in this instance) a lot of ideas. Good luck to you as you start your journey!
  • blessingsx2
    blessingsx2 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, and welcome to MFP! I love this site and I'm on here everyday. I don't have a whole lot left to lose but with the help of my MFP friends I'm slowly getting there. They are great motivaters :)