It finally happened

I was having a good week up until thursday. Actually Thursday was a great day but not sure if it counts? I had been working out every day this week like I have for the past three weeks. On Thursday I went to Big Basin had a picnic with husband and some friends. Chips were in my diet oops. I had gone for a long walk with my girlfriend and her mother but I never got tired. Actually that was a good sign because some of the walk if I had done it three weeks ago would have tuckered me out. So I felt like my workouts have been doing well for me. And now it gets bad. Friday no workout too tired from doing nothing all day at work. LAZY when I got home. Today went to work came home started workout and quit. I couldn't get my head into it. What is happening to me. I really need to shake this behavior. I don't like it!!!!!! And Vegas is four weeks away. Someone please slap me back into reality. I haven't lost weight since my first week. Monday maybe I try doing TaeBo again. That should burn some calories if it doesn't kill me. (LOL)! Back to work tomorrow lets see if I can do better.


  • KimMesser319
    KimMesser319 Posts: 22 Member
    You need to find something you actually enjoy. As for Tae Bo, I'm not really a fan, it doesn't get my heart rate up enough. I use my heart rate monitor religiously, it also makes it sort of a game to keep setting personal bests. I do love kickboxing and yoga. You just need to try different things until you find something that suits you. After that, getting to the gym will be a piece of cake! Best of Luck!
  • saford10
    saford10 Posts: 24 Member
    I like what I am doing now but weight loss is slow. When I did TaeBo I lost 30# in three months. Not to mention I am 47 and most activities gets my heart beating. However mentally I am staying at 30. I like working out in the mornings. It starts my day off right however I work mornings and start at 7 a.m.. Afternoon workouts always make me feel rushed then my mind is occupied with too mush other clutter. House, dinner, tomorrow stuff, bills ect... the list goes on. This week has just been tough for some reason.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I know with me, when I eat some chips or a cookie or something, it takes at least 24 hrs b4 I feel better. And I don't mean "don't have chips!" no not that at all. I just know when I do, I know I'll end up feelin crappy....but sometimes I just don't care! Lol . But walking away half way through my workout - yep, junk food. :wink:
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    Please don't beat yourself up over this! That's only going to make you feel worse, which is going to demotivated you, which is.....fill in the blank. Tomorrow's a new day - just try to make it a good one. No one's perfect and trying to be perfect seems horribly counterproductive. Let us know how tomorrow goes - you've got lots of support here!
  • saford10
    saford10 Posts: 24 Member
    Another crappy day. :0( My patients at work were in bad moods, it was hectic beyond belief. I come home and everyone here is in a bad mood except my son but he does his own thing. Im exhausted. So so far no workout. However tomorrow is my day off and I can focus on me and get back on track. Maybe I can jump start my weight loss again Lets pray for a miracle.
  • saford10
    saford10 Posts: 24 Member
    Okay doing much better today. I have done my morning workout and have been eating healthier. I am getting my house cleaned and getting the shopping done. It is such a better day. Its just after one in the afternoon and I already have over 10k in steps. :tongue: