Early morning workouts?

I have insomnia.... kind of bad. Sometimes I don't fall asleep until after 1 or 2am. But I am starting to consider going to the gym early, being there at 5am, working out, and then ready to get my son to school at 7am.

So those of you who rise early and get your workouts in.... please give me some words of encouragement, and let me know how long it took to get used to getting up that early.

I really want to do this... but I am sooooo NOT a morning person.


  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    It was definitely a struggle at first but now it's truly 2nd nature!!! I don't even think about it - I just get up and get at it! It took about 2.5 weeks to make it a habit - Helpful advice is to have everything you need laid out for you so you can just grab and get at it! I'm up by 4:00 soon to be 3:30!! I love getting my workouts done and over with so that I can concentrate on the rest of my day! I feel so much better afterwards and throughout the day! Also, if life gets in the way, I don't have to worry about not getting my workout in!!! It's worth it IMO!! Good luck!!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Good luck to you!

    I am not a morning person either, and already get up at 5:30am for work, so am NOT getting up any earlier. I prefer to work out in the evening, usually 8pm or later.

    I hope it works out for you, but be careful that you don't start to resent 'having' to get up early, because then you might just decide not to work out at all.
  • Whart0603
    Whart0603 Posts: 92 Member
    I'd like to get up early and get my workout done also but I too am not a morning person. For the early morning lifters, how do you get a pre-workout meal in that early in the morning and not wait around for it to digest?
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I wake up every morning at 4, at the gym by 5.

    You will be so glad you did it!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm in my late 40's and naturally need less sleep, so I'm up pretty early anyway. My trainer started offering 6:30 and 7:15 AM classes, so I started getting up at 6:20 which was hard for me - it took me a few weeks to really get that grove on. When I decided to start taking the 6:30 class, which meant I'd have to be up by 6, it was a no brainer. I was used to it already.

    But I'm in bed and asleep by 10 something. It works for me at this point in my life.

    And the days I don't exercise, I get up anyway and have a productive early morning session in the kitchen or whatever. But you have to do what works for you.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    it's about getting your Circadian Rythem on it. Once you do it'll be easier. That being said if you're a natural night owl it'll never come natural. You will have to still force yourself to a certain extent.

    I'm a natural night owl just like you. So I force myself to go to bed exactly 8 hrs before I want to get up.. and lights out 7hrs before. So if I want to get up at 5am I am in bed by 9pm and put on a really boring movie, read a book or something to help lull me to sleep.

    Another thing that I have found that really helps me get to sleep at my bed time is a little valerian root. It's an herbal supplement and completely non-addictive. (I take it comepletely randomly). I wake up totally refreshed the next moring and ready to roll.

    Also ifyou can, set your alarm clock across the room where you have to get up to turn it off. Before you go to turn it off, turn a light on. That always helps keep me from snoozing.

    Oh and one other thing... get up the same time every day and try to go to bed the same time every day. Having a schedule helps with things as well.
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I'd like to get up early and get my workout done also but I too am not a morning person. For the early morning lifters, how do you get a pre-workout meal in that early in the morning and not wait around for it to digest?

    Good question... I didn't think about this one. I don't normally eat in the morning.

    I am wondering if maybe this might ultimately help me with the insomnia.... I work out in the evenings now, and feel very awake afterwards. I almost think that working out later is making it worse....
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    Usually a slice of toast with a little peanutbutter or laughing cow cheese.

    OR (I know this sounds weird) half a banana + 1 spoon full of pb. washed down with a glass of milk.

    It's light enough to keep me from up-chucking on a run and enough calories to give me energy.

    If it's a weight lifting day I eat what eva I want... It doesnt bother me to have a full b'fast before lifting.
  • RancidPolecat2
    I used to have insomnia, but ever since I started exercising regularly it hasn't been a problem. I don't know how often you work out presently, but if you were doing it every morning, it may help with the insomnia.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I wake up at 4, then go to my den and get my workout started. I use a treadmill and some weights, but wish i had a basement because then i would add more equipment (heavy bag, Wavemaster, various sized dumbells etc.)
  • ValTheRizzle
    ValTheRizzle Posts: 28 Member
    I've been trying to work out more in the mornings. I also have bouts of terrible insomnia. But now that I am getting up earlier and exercising more, I have been falling asleep a little bit earlier and sleeping a little bit better. I usually drink a glass of soy milk (sometimes with some instant breakfast mix) or eat a small yogurt for something fast that won't weight me down. I do feel better now that I am finally getting my butt out of bed!
  • flechero
    flechero Posts: 260 Member
    Most people aren't morning people... they are just in the habit of getting up early. You have to make the commitment to do it and then after a few days or weeks, your body will give in and start sleeping better and allowing you to go to sleep earlier, etc. But make no mistake about it- YOU have to make the conscious decision to make yourself develop the habit.

    After a month, you'll probably be getting up without the alarm, raring to go!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I started doing my workouts early out of necessity - if I don't get them done early, they don't get done! During the school year, I was taking my kid to school and then doing my workout when I got back (I workout at home). Worked about half the time, as my hubby would sometimes be up, sometimes not (he's retired, mostly) - so I'd find myself irritated if he was up early. :tongue: Not good for a relationship. So I started getting up earlier and getting the workout done before I take my kid to school, before she even gets up. Leaves me plenty of time to get it done, make sure she's ready for school, pack her lunch, have myself a post-workout snack, and then I have breakfast when I get back. That way it's all done before 7am and I can get on with my day. :bigsmile:

    It was tough at first, but I was determined, and as others said - get your stuff out the night before, put it on and get to it!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Not enough time in the evenings between getting home from work and bedtime, so I started getting up between 4 and 4:30 to workout. I'm trying to push it closer to 4, so I can workout longer to get in both cardio and toning (Brazil Buttlift), Great Abs Guaranteed, etc. By getting in my workout early, I know my calorie budget for the day before I start eating, so I don't feel guilty or worry about having to give up something else to enjoy my Starbucks or lunch with friends.
  • sharfisher
    sharfisher Posts: 48 Member
    I get up 5:30ish to run for 45 - 75 minutes; I don't eat before, but I do down 1/2 a cup of coffee first! I drop an ice cube in it and drink it while I lace up. This was actually key to getting myself into early morning exercise! I started by actually taking the coffee with me onto the exercise bike. Serious coffee junky. I find earning the 500+ calories at the beginning of my day helps motivate me to keep the early morning exercise going (that, and the marathon I am attempting in 45 days). But it does get harder as the days get shorter and the mornings get darker!
  • LisaWrob9803
    I used to work out in the evenings, and recently started getting up at 4am and going to the gym. The first 2 days it was hard and I was tired at work, but now I feel great. I honestly wouldn't even think of switching back to evening workouts. I used to think I couldn't get up early because I wasn't a morning person, and I already was getting up at 5:30 for work. Now I sleep well and feel rested, and I have so much more time to spend with my kids between work and sleep. I love it!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    In the evenings I just can't drag myself from the couch for excersice, I'm glad that I can finally sit and relax a bit by then!

    It doesn't bother me though to set the alarm a bit earlier then usual and workout at the beginning of the day. I set the alarm at 5.50, snooze once then get dressed. Workout for 45 minutes (from home) then hit the shower and start the rest of the morning routine. I feel best though if I'm in bed no later then 10 pm.