Does anyone else not lose the "water weight"?

Hi guys,

I'm very slowly losing tiny amounts. I work really hard for 2 months and get my weight down to ~74kg. Every 8-10 weeks I suddenly and for no reason (no extra food, water or sodium) gain 2-3 kgs. I've been told 3 times now that its all "water weight" or I'm possibly building muscle. I thought water weight went away after a while/ you monthy/ when sodium goes down. Mine doesn't seem to do so. If its really water then I should weigh about 70 kg and I've got 6.5 kg of pure water sloshing around in me. I've only gained 0.5kg worth of muscle according ot the body fat tests so it cant be that. Its weird, I can lose about 0.3 kg a week for the 8-10weeks before my sudden gains so I know the calories I'm counting are about right.

Does anyone else have this problem or am I just special? Also, no, I don't have a special medical condition that may have caused me to not lose as much as I should.


  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Not everyone loses weight the same way. Over the past four months I've noticed I'll plateau for a week, then gain for about 3 days, then suddenly drop 1-2 pounds magically (it seems). You'll notice the patterns in your weight loss. Also, your body may also bloat not only during tom but during ovulation as well. At least I have noticed that happens to me. All you can really do is keep working at it and stay hydrated.
  • DebraAukett
    DebraAukett Posts: 128 Member
    I'm also carrying around water weight... or so I think - for the past 2 to 3 weeks my fingers remains swollen, which usually only happens when I retain water. And I saw a gain on the scale too, even though I'm doing the 30 day Shred and eating healthy
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I have problems holding water too. That's why I only weigh in every other week. I don't like to see the scale go up and daily I tend to bounce up and down.
  • loubeth22
    My ankles are bigger than normal but that is a hormonal thing that I've had since forever, it goes away once I have my lady time. I still thinks is super weird that every time I lose 2 kg over 2-3 months I gain back not even a week later. I'd understand if I'd added in anything like the 30day shred like you DebraAukett but I haven't.
    I hope you feel better soon and it doesn't hang around like mine does.
  • bubsyh
    bubsyh Posts: 57 Member
    try measuring yourself (hips, bust and waist) to see if you are losing size.
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    The scale isn't everything. I have seen success stories here where people have actually gained weight, but looked toned and fitter from where they started.

    But yeah, take measurements, progress photos, anything to keep a record of the change in your bodys outward appearance. Because you see yourself everyday, you do not see the changes that may be occurring.
  • loubeth22
    I have to measure myself in order to get the BF%. I've lost maybe 0.1 inches total. Not a lot. Not enough to be changing how I look or affect how my clothes sit. Not enough for me to feel like the effort is even close to worth it.

    I started at 25% BF and 78 kg and after 6 months of ups and downs (all whilst staying at a good deficit) I am now 24.5% BF and 76 kg. According to this site and the one I was on before I should have been 72 kg 4 weeks ago. So either I've managed to hold onto 4 kg of magic fat gained from breathing, the sites and HRM and machines are all horribly and consitently wrong in the same way, or I'm unlucky enough to be holding 4 kg of water.

    I mean, I work out, I walk almost everywhere, I've given up near all of my favourite food, and I make sure I drink all the water even though it means I take a stupid amount of bathroom breaks every day and I still lose no weight. I could be doing all the wrong things and only gaining a max of 2 kg a year. Why am I restricitng myself and forcing myself to do things I so dislike if there is no reward at the end, when I could be happy and at least content with myself without all this strife.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    drink at least 8 glasses of water, it really does help
  • loubeth22
    drink at least 8 glasses of water, it really does help

    I already said I do. I drink a 600ml bottle before work, 1.5L bottle at work and then 3-5 glasses once home. Thats about 3.5-4 Litres of water daily (15 glasses of water daily)

    I'd much rather all the drinking at work be coffee, and all that at home be juice or soda.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I am having similar issues this summer...have lost and gained the same 5 pounds three times. I have lost a couple inches though, so I'm not beating myself up too bad.

    Today I was up 5 pounds from last sunday...I must be retaining Boston Harbor!
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like you're potentially retaining a little water around your menses, which is not uncommon. Outside of "water pills" and restricting sodium, there's not much you can do about it.

    I realized the other day it took me about ten months to lose 18 lbs. It was slow going but I think in the end it is worth it because the results will be lasting.
  • tedybehr
    tedybehr Posts: 31
    thank u for posting this .. i have a huge problem with water weight. sometimes i feel like i am floating with all the water i drink.. looking forward to read all the posts. sorry i dont have any words of wisdom..
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I've gone up 5 or more lbs. in water weight in 3 or 4 days when my carbohydrate intake is above average. If I pull back to around 150 grams or less of carbohydrates a day, the water weight goes away in a day or two. For every 1 gram of stored glycogen from carbohydrates, the body retains 2.7 grams of water.

    With this in mind, experiment with your carbohydrate intake for a few days, increasing your protein and fat intakes to keep calories steady, and see what happens.

    If it goes away, you have your answer. If not, you may want to have your doctor conduct thyroid tests, among other things, because you've exhausted all of the other possible reasons for water weight gain.
  • stevehomoki
    It could be a number of things, you have to consider how often you use the toilet in relation to the food you consume. Also water retention only plays a small factor and depending on the amount you drink and general need of your body, you could still continue to have water weight. Gaining back on the scale is common, numerous biological factors contribute to the weight gain. However as long as your consistent, you will still lose the weight.