INSANITY: How do U cope when U just feel 2 weak to dig deep

I'm trying to finish up my second week and I end up laying on the living room floor crying every time I try to get through Cardio Power and Resistance. I'm starting not to care at all anymore. I feel hopeless, like I'll never be strong or firm again. I hate insanity because I'm so tired of feeling on top of the world one day and like a reject the next.


  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    I don't know how much you weight or if this is your first intense workout regiment. If it is your first, I recommend beginning with Jillian Michaeals 30 Day Shred and then move on to Ripped in 30. Her workouts prepared me for Insanity.

    I think what gets me through an Insanity workout is knowing that I won't be perfect at it and to accept that fact. Doing an Insanity workout is def. humbling because I see that I still have a long way to go to be fit. But if I keep pushing I will see improvements. And I have seen improvements. I have a greater endurance especially when it comes to running. For most part, I think Insanity is a mental thing. Sometimes, my body just wants to quit on me and I really have to ask myself can you dig deeper. When I do ask, its usually a yes. Sometimes, I see Insanity as retraining your mind and body to dig deeper when one or the other thinks it cannot. I hope this helps.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Hey booboo, you can do it! When i didnt feel like it you pushed me, put that energy in yourself now and push you! Or i have to fly over to the other side of the world and kick ur butt!! I hate insanity too and you know it and i finished everytime too even though im hating it!
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    Please know that it will get better.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I'm trying to finish up my second week and I end up laying on the living room floor crying every time I try to get through Cardio Power and Resistance. I'm starting not to care at all anymore. I feel hopeless, like I'll never be strong or firm again. I hate insanity because I'm so tired of feeling on top of the world one day and like a reject the next.
    You need to let Shaun T inside mentally. I have done Insanity 3 times and the first time I did it I cussed out the TV, spit on my new hardwood floors, felt like I wanted to throw up, got lightheaded all within 25 minutes. I bought Insanity because I thought it could train my mind. I lost my bf in a motorcycle wreck and was out of my head and I needed something to kick my *kitten* into overdrive and help me move on with my life and tone my legs lol. No other exercises were working, not the Bowflex, running or other Beachbody programs, nothing. I watched the Insanity infomercial on YouTube a million times and was so high and energized and pumped just watching it and new I had to get it.
    I know it might sound crazy, but if you don't get it for weight loss get it as a de-stresser, use it as a motivation tool. There is no one more motivating than Shuan T in my opinion, the guy just 'gets it' and he is amazing and he ain't that bad to look at either.
    I will admit I didn't need to lose any weight when I started and was in what I thought was good shape and had been kickboxing and jumping rope for 11 years and thought, "Hmm this doesn't look that hard at all"... yeah right lol.
    Move to day 1, pretty much out of breath within the first 25 minutes lol.
    You HAVE to stay with it, Dr Scrappy. You CAN not quit! Not only does it get you in shape physically it gets you in shape mentally, and when you're trying to lose weight or complete a goal whatever it is, even if its not weight related you gotta have your mind right or you go back and repeat the same things over and over again. Insanity taught me to focus and to stay motivated, it gave me drive and a sense of purpose .I felt powerful, like a fricking machine lol. I hated it the first day and was already pissed off and in a bad mood, mad at the world and God only knows what else, and tried to find every excuse not to push play that day but I powered through anyway and got it done. I was HOOKED after day one. I mean HOOKED. It was exactly what I needed to tone my body up and my legs, and to get over the loss of my ex. So it was like a workout program and counseling for me.

    I'm telling you, Dr Scrappy lol, you cannot stop now. You have gotten farther than a lot of people and I don't care if you lay there on the floor crying, you get up and cry again tomorrow! Would you want to cry from busting you *kitten* and kicking Insanity *kitten*, or cry a couple of months later for not following through and doing some other boring workout or maybe not working out at all. Its hard, we all know that. The people in the video are dying there with you, hell even Shaun T's dying a little here and there.

    How the hell are you a reject? I mean seriously. If I could knock you upside the head through the computer I would lol. Gently of course, but still. Modify whatever moves you can't do. Run in place, hell, walk in place but do not push that Stop button!
    Add me to your friends list and I will write and remind you on your wall every day to Dig Deep. I hate hearing people call themselves failures because they can't do something perfectly or within the first day or two. A failure to me is someone who doesn't even try. You're on week two you should be fricking celebrating. Do you know how many people I know who who quit Insanity? Tons. Its hard and it pushes you to your limits and thats what you, me and everyone else needs. You don't want it to be easy. Where is the challenge in anything easy?
    I'm serious, you are NOT a failure so knock it off lol and put your workout clothes on and get back out there and cry a little more. Crying is good for you anyway and you're probably crying for more reasons than you think and not just because you're burned out or can't do a bunch of Powerjumps in a row. I bet you've got something going on that needs fixing as well, we all do. Insanity can take care of it alllll!
  • I need to find motivation myself! It has been a summer of BBQs, birthday parties, beers and just plain laziness on my part. It's TIME to get back at er! With that being said, I have the insanity workouts and plan on returning to them. I found in the past, when I was in the middle of a workout and gassed, feeling "hopeless" like you describe....I just kept moving. Even if you have to jog on the spot for 5 minutes while you catch your breath and watch the workout, keep going and before you know it, those breaks will get shorter and shorter. Good luck! (and I feel your pain lol)
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    Hey! Take it slow. No one expects you to be able to do all of the exercises exactly right, with good form, and every rep in the beginning! Just do what you can until you can't-then take a breather! Let your muscles refuel for the rest of that set and prepare for the next exercise. You will get better and better until the next thing you know-you're doing the whole set, not stopping and kicking *kitten*! Also-make sure you're eating right. It makes a difference, the fuel we put in our bodies. So eat right and don't give up!!!
  • Anastasia0511 has pretty much said everything. For the soreness, are you taking any protein recovery drinks with lots of glutamine? Last year, I wanted to get fit and lose weight so I started Insanity. It was hard and I gave up. Back then, I wasn't on MFP and I had no friends I was doing it with. So, absolutely no encouragement. I gained about 10 pounds more. On here, there are many people struggling and pushing their limits to gain fitness and adopt a healthy lifestyle. No one said this journey was going to be easy. Quitting is easy. In fact, it's the easiest thing you can do right now.

    Is that what you want? You're on the second week, that is a huge accomplishment. Do the fit test and check out your progress.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    I love what Anatasia said (didn't want to 'quote' as it was a long message - a good message but long! haha). Your into week 2 - so you've achieved something already. I did 30DS ages ago and quit after day 2! Loser on my part!

    But I am committed and hopeful as I start Insanity along with some MFP friends on Monday 27th August. I am sure that everyone that does it will have good days and bad days. I guess we just have to take each day at a time and hopefully when you start seeing the results or feeling the benefits (feeling healthier) that will be enough to push you through to - the next day. Before you know it (hopefully) half the days will be crossed of your planner.

    good luck and stick with it.

    Ok here's some motivation; someone on MFP posted this on Beachbody website:

    Motivation for me!!!

  • waveindigo
    waveindigo Posts: 39 Member
    I've felt the same way as you for the last 51 days and now there s only 6 to more to go!
    Just do that **** anyway!! Push play and stick with it.. doesn't matter if you hate it, swear your *kitten* off or don't do it perfectly, just do it anyway. Once you've done it once, you can do it again.. and believe me it feels so good to have finish a day you REALLY didn't want to start.
    YOU CAN DO IT. If you choose to.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    do what i do---pretend you are working out to look do damn hot that shaun t will be stalking you to ask you out. LOL. and i also take a break-catch my breath and try to get at least two more in. and i still end up on the floor crying every time but believe me YOU WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE AND YOU WILL GET STRONGER.

  • I'm trying to finish up my second week and I end up laying on the living room floor crying every time I try to get through Cardio Power and Resistance. I'm starting not to care at all anymore. I feel hopeless, like I'll never be strong or firm again. I hate insanity because I'm so tired of feeling on top of the world one day and like a reject the next.

    lol i completely understand..i cuss out Shaun T every morning while im doing Insanity. This workout is training me mentally though and I have come to far to quit now, I feel like I can accomplish anything I finish this excercise. After Day 1, I never thought i would be able to complete the workout and now I am on Day 44. This is the hardest workout many of us have ever done in our lives, keep pushing it is worth it
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    Lol I got myself on a rant and just couldn't stop typing lol. I get infuriated when people call themselves failures. It doesn't help that I type like 90wpm either haha.
  • do what i do---pretend you are working out to look do damn hot that shaun t will be stalking you to ask you out. LOL. and i also take a break-catch my breath and try to get at least two more in. and i still end up on the floor crying every time but believe me YOU WILL SEE THE DIFFERENCE AND YOU WILL GET STRONGER.


    Hilarious. My first laugh of the day...
  • @ChristineDiet
    Lol I got myself on a rant and just couldn't stop typing lol. I get infuriated when people call themselves failures. It doesn't help that I type like 90wpm either haha.

    No Anastasia, it was great. I had to split it into two sittings to read, but it was great lol. You're the second friend that mentioned something else to gain - other than a nice body. I realized today that there is some deeper reason that I feel the need to do this. I kind of know what it is, only kinda, so I'm going to think about it some more.

    Thanks everybody for responding to the post so quickly. I REALLY needed it, I'll probably be reading these comments like everyday now:flowerforyou:
  • Wow. I repeated the workout I bombed this morning. Doing it this afternoon was like night and day! I amazed myself and I am so thankful to all of you. I figured out my reason for doing this madness and I just kept thinking about all the things you guys said and I threw it in Shaun T's face! What!!!!

    So....I'll b crying again in a few days lol, stay tuned.

    P.S. I'm 185, 31 yrs old, 2 kids, great husband, and I should be at least 155 to call myself healthy. This is the first workout program I have ever stuck with for more than a week.

    I'm off to eat Meal #3 Deli Sandwich!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Lol I got myself on a rant and just couldn't stop typing lol. I get infuriated when people call themselves failures. It doesn't help that I type like 90wpm either haha.

    haha - I know what you mean. I type quicker than I talk and sometimes i get carried away. I did however read everything you said but felt if I quoted you the length of the post would be huge! good points, not really a rant, just long! haha. x
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Wow. I repeated the workout I bombed this morning. Doing it this afternoon was like night and day! I amazed myself and I am so thankful to all of you. I figured out my reason for doing this madness and I just kept thinking about all the things you guys said and I threw it in Shaun T's face! What!!!!

    So....I'll b crying again in a few days lol, stay tuned.

    P.S. I'm 185, 31 yrs old, 2 kids, great husband, and I should be at least 155 to call myself healthy. This is the first workout program I have ever stuck with for more than a week.

    I'm off to eat Meal #3 Deli Sandwich!

    Fantastic and good for you for sticking with it. I start next week and I'm trying to prepare myself by doing a back to back 30DS today. Hoping to stick with that for the week and then start Insanity on Monday (if i don't die beforehand doing JM's workout) haha.

    Well done again - I guess the key is perseverance. x
  • MrzBlessedLady
    MrzBlessedLady Posts: 164 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week and Lord Cardio power and resistance almost made me throw in the towel today(yes I was on the verge or crying). The thing that keeps me digging deep is to prove to myself that I can finish something for a change. Not only am I getting in shape physically, I am getting in shape mentally. I really listen to Shaun T during the workouts because it really gets inside my head that I can do it(I know that may sound weird lol). I can't stand Shaun T sometimes but I love him also, because he knows that we are capable of getting through the workouts. Plus he is easy on the eyes lol.
  • I'm on my 2nd week and Lord Cardio power and resistance almost made me throw in the towel today(yes I was on the verge or crying). The thing that keeps me digging deep is to prove to myself that I can finish something for a change. Not only am I getting in shape physically, I am getting in shape mentally. I really listen to Shaun T during the workouts because it really gets inside my head that I can do it(I know that may sound weird lol). I can't stand Shaun T sometimes but I love him also, because he knows that we are capable of getting through the workouts. Plus he is easy on the eyes lol.

    Thanks. That's a good reason - finishing something. My problem is I finish a lot of stuff. God has allowed me to finish a lot of things, but I never put 100% effort and commitment in so though I have accomplished much, I have never seen the fruition of what my true potential can do.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    DrScrappyyyy hahaha :) How's it going today? Shaun T makes everyone cry and I am almost positive I will be crying in October my first day doing the Asylum Vol 2 program (dying over here and cannot WAIT for it to come out, but you already know that) He says he's trying to kill us in that video lol. I hope you have a great workout tomorrow. :P
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