Pulled hamstring?

nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
I think I may have pulled my hamstring yesterday. I ran 7 miles and when I came home I forgot to stretch (the kids wanting attention and all). I didn't realize something happened until this afternoon when I bent over to tie up my boots. I am currently using R.I.C.E. I don't think it's that bad but I've never pulled it before. I have a 10K race this Saturday and would like to run it.

My question is, is there anything else I should be doing. Am I still able to run this week and Saturday?

Should I try and stretch it?

Thanks in advance.


  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    Don't stretch it while it is still sore, that may make it worse. RICE is your best bet, foam rolling can help as well. Pushing a pulled hamstring too soon will never make it better and will almost always make it worse. It sounds like you have a grade 1 pull, which is good as it should recover pretty quickly.

    In a couple of days when you no longer feel it just walking around, try an easy, short run at 50 - 60% of your normal effort. If it tweaks at all, stop. Afterwards RICE and foam roll again even if it feels good. Do this for a couple of days, picking up the pace a little each day until you are back.

    You will also want to do some hamstring strengthening exercises, and once it is no longer sore, some regular stretching, this will help prevent recurrence. As far as a 10K, that depends on how bad it is and how fast it gets better. If you do it, start slowly and build into if it is feeling good, my opinion is that you should either skip it or do it a rehab run that involves slow pace with some walking so that your hamstring never gets stressed.

    It is very easy to re-injure a hamstring by doing too much too soon, if it gets to grade 2 you are out for 3-4 weeks or more, and grade 3 usually requires surgery.
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    yeah - if you have a proper pull you wont be running anywhere for a good few weeks.

    be patient with your rehab or you will be out for even longer.
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    I pulled mine once and it bruised all the way from my butt to my knee.
    Rest it until you're good to go or you may prolong the injury.
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks all.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    If you really pulled it bad, chances are you're really limping or are in real pain. A mild pull will result in some deep soreness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    If you have pulled it you can forget about the 10k this week.

    Hope it heals soon for you
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    As others have said, if you really pulled it, there is no way you are running this weekend.

    Be careful with it as hamstrings often feel better fast, but one extension and will re-pull even worse. Let it heal well the first time so it doesn't become a chronic injury. It is terrible and plagues many athletes.
  • sakamanojr
    sakamanojr Posts: 378 Member
    Kathy, those hamstring pulls are very slow to heal and so easy to re-injure. Unfortunately that means you have to be careful in your recovery. I would read up on it as much as possible so you can see if your symptoms are the same.
    Good luck with the recovery and if it doesn't feel 100% by Sunday I would skip the race rather than reinjure yourself.
    Take care and talk to you soon