Where to go from Insanity

Hi everyone,

I have recently finished Insanity after a year of no excercise at all. I'm trying to start my second round but not very motivated as I'm finding it quite boring (especially the warm-ups). Not boring in the way that I can do it all because I cant just boring that it feels like Ive done it all so many times before. I only have maybe 6 or 7lb to lose but mainly want to tone my stomache. Have you got any suggestions on what excercise I could do next? It has to be in the house because I find it difficult with babysitters for my 2 children. Thanks :smile:


  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    Congrats on finishing Insanity! How were your results??

    I am on day 10, however, after I finish I am hoping to try Insanity Asylum, have you checked this out?
  • tomnleah101
    Thanks, I managed to lose 10lbs and a lot of inches :-). Not much but I started at 8 stone 13 so didnt have much to lose. I havent looked into that, I thought it was more for muscle building tho, I just want to lose fat really. I'll have a look now tho thank you!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am never that thrilled about coming to work. I love getting paychecks. Do something that causes the changes you want to see in the mirror and look at it once in awhile. Pretty good motivator.