how are we all doing?



  • CLebon
    CLebon Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm new here..

    Wow some of you are taking in some seriously low calories.. My limit is around 1,300 a day and I'm doing really well I think. This site is such a motivator.. I went over today so did some exercise to bring it down. Am really impressed. I've lost 3lbs already, although I'm sure some of that is water. I really couldn't go any lower with my cals.

    The more water you drink, the more you want/need it. I drink at least 6/7 bottles of 500ml a day - am always on the loo though.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I've had about 1300 cals so far today with 500 more to go.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Oh my gosh, Mouseme! I'm laughing about this...I know what you mean! I have no problem getting my daily allowance of wine or beer in but WATER? Ugh. I force it down. BAH!

    speaking of wine and beer...the weekend is coming and Im supposed to be going out for drinks..ugh but i dont know what to doo

    I allow myself alcohol 1 night a week now because I never stop with just one drink. Sad but true for me. I figure this is a lifestyle and I have to allow myself a bit of wiggle room or I'll end up binging on something and wreck it all. I give myself Friday nights for a "cheat" meal and some drinks with friends and then I'm all ready to go for the next week.

    Also, just to clarify, I was on Weight Watchers priot to joining this site and lost 15 pounds doing the Friday night "off" plan. It's never given me a problem and I think it keeps me on track and not feeling deprived.

    Yes, but what were you all drinking on your cheat night...because i dont like hard alcohol at all. so really all thats left is beer and thats bad.
  • melanieann48111
    Oh my gosh, Mouseme! I'm laughing about this...I know what you mean! I have no problem getting my daily allowance of wine or beer in but WATER? Ugh. I force it down. BAH!

    speaking of wine and beer...the weekend is coming and Im supposed to be going out for drinks..ugh but i dont know what to doo

    I allow myself alcohol 1 night a week now because I never stop with just one drink. Sad but true for me. I figure this is a lifestyle and I have to allow myself a bit of wiggle room or I'll end up binging on something and wreck it all. I give myself Friday nights for a "cheat" meal and some drinks with friends and then I'm all ready to go for the next week.

    Also, just to clarify, I was on Weight Watchers priot to joining this site and lost 15 pounds doing the Friday night "off" plan. It's never given me a problem and I think it keeps me on track and not feeling deprived.

    Yes, but what were you all drinking on your cheat night...because i dont like hard alcohol at all. so really all thats left is beer and thats bad.

    To be honest, it depends on my mood. During the winter I'm a big red wine drinker because I live in Michigan and flipping cold here! During the summer, I drink Miller Lite beer. I don't freak about counting all my drinks either. If I'm off then I'm off. This is something that I will be doing for the rest of my life and if I can't cut loose and not worry for a night then there is no way I'll stink to it. Maybe it will slow my loss down than if I totally cut alcohol or a cheat meal BUT this is a life that I can go the long haul with. It's really a personal decision but it works for me. :drinker:
  • danielleleee
    i've had 417 calories (thats breakfast and lunch) ... that leaves me 583 calories for a snack and dinner tonight.
    this week i have been under my goal everyday and worked out two days. i plan to work out tonight (maybe.. hopefully..)
    i've lost 2.5 pounds this week. i'm going strong.........
    trying to go 5 straight weeks of pure dieting.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I'm good on my water but have never realized how hard it is to find a decent snack to eat in house with 3 kids and a hubby with a sweet tooth. Fighting my hunger with allI have but the apple fruit pie things are eye balling me and calling my name. Temptation is a nasty thing....sooooo hungry and it's not like I haven't eaten....I'm just never pleasantly full anymore

    When the apple fruit pies call your name, act like the kids: Have selective hearing!! :laugh: