Hi am returning to this site and looking for some buddies

I always mange to lose 7lb feel great then slip again, i seriously need and want to lose 2 stone, i am currently 12 st 12lb and have recently joined the Pure Gym Loser classes..... I have for the fitrst time been totally honest with my diary and logged everything i have had over the weekend (the MFP app) has helped especially with the bar code scanner on it, its weigh day tomoz so am hoping for my weight to have dropped at least a pound... Wish me luck


  • You sound like you really want this!! You can do this. If you need a buddy add me
  • readsalot68
    readsalot68 Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me too. Encouragement is always helpful.
  • Hi, I just found this site and it seems wonderful. Kind of like another program with high fees that I have used with success in the past. I got off of my eating/exercising program and now need to get serious again or buy bigger clothes!!! I'm not going there.

    I do better with support from those who know the struggle. I'm glad to be here and ready to get to work. We can work together.