Help With Calorie/Insanity Related Numbers

I'm 6'4'', I currently weigh 224 (I started at 288, dropped to 214 and have since put back on 10lbs) and am planning on starting "Insanity" when I get home from work today as a way to rejuvenate myself and get myself down to my ultimate goal of 200.

But, I've already looked it up under the Exercise tab and nothing for "Insanity" exists.

So, my question is: how many calories would someone my size with my stats burn doing Insanity, and how do I enter it under my exercise if it does not exist?


  • Hmwarren84
    Hmwarren84 Posts: 45 Member
    Honestly, I use a HRM to know my calorie burn and make a new exercise to track it. There are a few Insanity groups on here that you can look into and maybe they have a suggestion in their forums. I suggest getting a Heart Rate Monitor to be as accurate as you can. Hope you enjoy Insanity!
  • Sojaided34
    Sojaided34 Posts: 113
    Yes an HRM would help. I bought a Mio HRM watch for $39. Works pretty much the same. I'm 5'1" and 190 lbs. 35 min of insanity (for me) burns 350 - 500. Some people on here claim they are burning 1300 and up. You could also look it up on the internet, Calorie burner calculator. You put in your stats and your exercise. Good luck with the workouts. :smile:
  • nuttyduffy
    nuttyduffy Posts: 255 Member
    I would definitely recommend a HRM but when I first started with Insanity I put it in as Circuit Training General until I could afford one!

    Good luck with the workouts - I loved it :happy:
  • heymayer
    heymayer Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you! I'll rock with "Circuit Training General" for now!