calories--never thought I'd say this

AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having a hard time hitting my calorie goal the last couple of days. Right now I am under by almost 500 calories and I am really not hungry at all. I don't want to eat just to get my calories in, but I am afraid this is going to be bad for me by Monday's weigh in. Last night just to try to hit my calories I caved and had a pop and popcorn with butter...and I was still under. HELP!


  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary, and I noticed one major problem- you need to eat breakfast.
    Breakfast is such an important meal, and you will get calories from that.
    My other suggestions is to try cooking homemade meals for dinner, because it will be way more nutritious and you can get more protein in (which basically means a few more calories)
  • If you want to take in extra calories and still lose weight, you need to fill up on low fat, high fibre foods- maybe an extra sandwich with wholemeal bread , mackerel or scrambled eggs on toast etc?
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    I took a look at your diary for the last few days and it seems like a major way for you to add calories is breakfast. You've probably heard this before but just in case you haven't, eating breakfast is one the most important things you can do to boost weight loss and live a healthy lifestyle. You have more time throughout the day to burn the calories you eat at breakfast. Also it boosts your metabolism so you don't get so hungry the rest of the day and then splurge at night right before you go to bed which is the worst time.

    Try eating breakfast and also eat more snacks throughout the day. Even if you're not hungry you're going to put your body in starvation mode because it's not getting the nutrients it needs.

    Good luck!
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast person, but usually I eat a piece of fruit. Today was weird day since I had to be at the dentist early and didn't wake up in time so I didn't manage to get breakfast this morning. My biggest problem with dinner is I work 12 hour days so I tend to eat dinner at work most of the time. Sunday I made a big crockpot full of chili and took that to work and have been eating on that. I am pretty good about bringing leftovers when I have them. Tonight I chose a freezer meal just because I didn't have anything ready and I usually am way too hungry to wait until I get home. I try not to eat freezer meals as they tend to be high in sodium.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    2 very easy ways to get in healthy calories: Peanut butter (the kind with these ingredients: peanuts, salt) and milk
  • cplus
    cplus Posts: 2
    I don't know if this will help with the breakfast issue, this is just my opinion. I am a breakfast eater, although my breakfast time is usually at 10am, and I leave for work now at 8am so I'm not all that thrilled to be having anything in the morning at that hour. Also, with all the prep work I'm doing for that day (daughter's lunch, my lunch, feeding the dog.. blah blah) I have no time to sit and eat breakfast. My solution at first, was to get one of those carnation instant breakfast thing. It was simple to mix up and I could drink it either on the way to work or as I sat at my desk. The problem with that meal was that it's not all that healthy for you, although it was yummy. So I switched it up and instead of instant breakfast I decided to throw strawberries, a banana, some yogurt, some milk, some protein powder and a bit of orange juice in a blender and make my own breakfast shake. It's a bit thicker to swallow, but it still seems to do the trick. It adds 200 and change to my daily calories. Might be worth a shot! Little bit here, little bit there...
  • vhawk
    vhawk Posts: 1
    That is happening to me too! I am new to this site and this is my very first week with MFP. I have counted ALL of my calories every day this week for the first time ever consistantly AND am logging in my workouts. (working out five days a week). At the end of the evening it says to eat more!!! I usually come up at the 1,200 calorie mark and then i feel full and satisfied. So I ate an apple and peanut butter and called it good! Who wants to eat later in the night anyway? I have my first weigh in tomorrow and i am worried that i will not have lost one pound!!!! I know i will be so discouraged for all my hard work! I am 5'3 and am tired of being the typical PEAR shape!!! I turned 40 recently and i wish to be FIT, FAB, and 40!!! That is what i am calling this journey!!! Any suggestions people??
    MOMMYofAISLYNNE Posts: 12 Member
    I had this problem also not too terribly long ago. This article I found on this website helped tremendously:

    It helped me understand how low my metabolism was after eating so little calories for so long and how to go about repairing the damage I did to it.

    Hope it helps you as much as it did me!

  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member
    This has been a problem for me for a long time. With that said, the food diary has helped me in a major way. I know I’m going to have a protein shake a night so I add it to my food diary in the morning while I’m adding what I ate for breakfast. I’ll also add my dinner or lunch if I already know what I’ll be eating. This way I can see the calorie/nutrition balance early in the day and I can add to or change my snacks if I need more calories, carbs, protein, etc.

    It’s not a good idea to leave it to the end of the night when you’re more likely to grab whatever is around just to meet calorie needs. Better that you can plan to have your calories come from a healthy source.

    Hope that helps! :smile:
  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    I'm not a big breakfast person, but usually I eat a piece of fruit. Today was weird day since I had to be at the dentist early and didn't wake up in time so I didn't manage to get breakfast this morning. My biggest problem with dinner is I work 12 hour days so I tend to eat dinner at work most of the time. Sunday I made a big crockpot full of chili and took that to work and have been eating on that. I am pretty good about bringing leftovers when I have them. Tonight I chose a freezer meal just because I didn't have anything ready and I usually am way too hungry to wait until I get home. I try not to eat freezer meals as they tend to be high in sodium.


    I'm not big on breakfast either partly because I'm so rushed in the morning but I notice it helps with smoothing out my day when it comes to food and how I feel. I have been making myself eat 3/4 c. of Special K fruit and yogurt (120 calories) and 1 cup of milk ( I drink 2% so its 122 calories) and it really helps. Its a small portion so I can eat it quickly, brush my teeth and be out the door in no time. You can try any cereal and a serving is quite small and your weightloss will improve! Hope this helps!
  • I promised myself that when I started this counting calorie business... I would have something... ANYTHING for breakfast. It used to make me feel sick to my stomach when I ate it so early. Now... I wake up early enough to make it, and my metabolism is thanking me for it. NEVER skip a meal. If I know I'm going to be pressed for time with one, I'll pack a protein bar (special K ones are SUPER yummy).
  • dhudgin
    dhudgin Posts: 73 Member
    I can tell you that I wasn't eating ENOUGH calories and I have been stuck for 4 weeks. I lost a bunch then a big fat 0. Now that I have added a little bit, I am losing again. I am supposed to be eating 1700. I was only eating about 1100 and not taking my extra exercise cals. Try eating healthy, balanced snacks at least every 3-4 hours and see if it gets easier...

    Good Luck
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I am having a hard time hitting my calorie goal the last couple of days. Right now I am under by almost 500 calories and I am really not hungry at all. I don't want to eat just to get my calories in, but I am afraid this is going to be bad for me by Monday's weigh in. Last night just to try to hit my calories I caved and had a pop and popcorn with butter...and I was still under. HELP!

    Why are you not eating? Stress? Find out the reasons why....

    And with the food, try and have smaller meals throughout the day then, but make sure to eat something that offers some decent nutrition :). Fruit, veggies, whole grains. Even if you're eating less, at least you'll have some nutrients as oppose to sugar and fat :).

    Good luck!!
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