Jillian Michaels Body Revolution-is it good?

I purchased this recently, yet have not started yet. Has anyone had good results? Especially in the mid- section? I have had three children and have that dreaded muffin top. Need to tone up. Any information would help! Thanks :smile:


  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Cardio can help but the most effective tool for fat loss is a good diet.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Cardio can help but the most effective tool for fat loss is a good diet.
    ^This. I'm currently doing her 30DS, and the results are awesome. However, if I didn't have good eating habits, it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference.
  • nicenurse2012
    Thanks. I just need something to tone up. I am in my ideal body weight range, yet on the higher end. Would like to lose 20 lbs to be on the low end. I think if I could at least tone, I might feel better about being on the higher end of my BMI.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    I had great results with the program and now doing Insanity...Any workout needs to have a good eatig plan set but I feel what you are asking about the workout itself....and the results...Yes it works..



    If you add yourself to this group...TONS OF STORIES and support....Good luck

  • nicenurse2012
    Thank you! You look great!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I have gone from 162-to 130 in the past 120 days, doing Jillians BR. I love it, and a few friends have started it because they see me and its pretty awesome that I can encourage others! I still have 15-20 more to lose so right now I am repeating the videos with the more advanced moves, and then I will work on insanity. But I love using the weights, My muscles are showing through! I recommend these videos to EVERYONE! Love it more then her other videos because it doesn't get boring since you switch videos every two weeks! Feel free to add me :) OH and just to answer your question, even tho the videos don't have a billion abs, I have lost 7 inches from my waste so far!!!!!! dang those planks! but you got to love them!
  • nicenurse2012
    Congrats on your loss! Great job! I am on day 4 and can really feel it working! I am sore, yet better today. I hope to tone and lose at least 15 lbs,and I will be happy :)
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    awesome! the first month i mostly saw change in my BUTT! all those dang squats! haha but in month 2 and three my waste really toned down. Even with only a few abs, the pushups and planks work core like crazy! Just remember to log your food. I didn't use her food list, just watched what i ate on here. But TRY THE Punkin muffins on her list. they are awesome!
  • lovememore85
    You look amazing! Congrats!
  • nicenurse2012
    Thank you, I will try them!