In need of help please :)

I joined early this year but never got round to getting stuck in to it...In need of encouragement and help around here please :smile:

Thanks xx


  • Add me if you want, I'll help you out xx
  • Thank you.. :smile: Very appreciated! xx
  • Ellen, welcome to MFP. If you want more replys and friends add a pic to your profile! Then when you post, put in some personal information about yourself and who you are looking to make friends with. It's very common for people to make friends who have similar goals and starting weights. Not always, but sometimes.

    I didn't check your profile before I responded, but it helps others a lot if you fill out your profile too.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • mnw1117
    mnw1117 Posts: 48
    Feel free to add me! :)