Struggling with weight loss *New to the Forums*

Im 18 and a freshmen in college. All my life I have been slowly putting on the weight that I have now (217 pounds). I desperately want to lose this weight and am tired of people calling me "big man" and commenting that I could have a future career as a linebacker. However, every diet and workout routine I have tried has failed. With the exception of only 1. Im struggling to lose the weight and keep it off and just want some help on how some of you have lost you alls weight. With me being in college i am even more concerned about putting on more weight. Any help an motivation would be great.


  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    I graduated in 2010. I wasn't paying much attention to my health and weight b/c all I could focus on at the time was getting through my classes and exams. I'm glad you're tackling this while you're a freshman. You're doing something really wonderful for your long-term health.

    Work the MFP program of the principle of net calories. If you want to eat more food, you'll need to exercise more. You will lose weight! I have a lot of weight to lose, but I'm doing this program one day at a time. I can't believe the difference I feel already in my health and well-being.

    See if you can get some of your friends from college to sign up on MFP so that you can encourage one another. Please remember also that when people comment on your weight, appearance, apparent fitness, etc., that they are showing a lack of confidence about themselves. Try not to take it personally. Do try to: honestly log your calories and activities as best you can; be accepting of yourself where you are right now; make a determined effort to make small changes that will pay off in big ways. Best wishes for a successful year both academically and healthwise. You're worth it!
  • Thanks! I just don't want to be big forever and it seems like I have more people telling me I will than people encouraging me to lose it
  • I just joined too. I can help you, I hope by giving you some "start off suggestions." I have to leave the website now for some work, but I will return. One thing, I never realized until I started my weight loss how important breakfast.... and, in fact three meals are to fuel the body to lose the weight. I never ate breakfast or lunch..... but from 6 or 7 pm....... I was ready to live in the icebox and freezer. How is your pattern for eating?

  • John,
    I try my best to eat 6 times a day 3 meals and 3 snacks. Snacks I try and keep under 600 cal and the meals a little more. Its very difficult for me to do this but I try my best. Sometimes I do miss breakfast but I make up for it with my mid morning snack witch usually is half of a peanut butter sandwich and the morning meal is milk with toasted wheat bread.
  • Aniseedvan
    Aniseedvan Posts: 28 Member
    Exercise is the way to go - I'm a snacker and will eat around 500-600 cals on (mostly healthy) snacks each day (and my net intake is around 1200 a day), I ate nearer 600 today so went for a 3.5 mile walk in my lunch hour and will do half an hour rowing this evening - it'll be about right then.

    Best of luck!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I know how college goes.... I've got 2lbs of the college weight left to lose. I don't know how your meal plan works, but ours was 3 all-you-can-eat meals a day prepaid, so I ate for "free" when I could and stole snacks like yogurt when I was hungry.

    My tips would be:
    -Figure out how much you need to eat and when to keep from overeating at meal times (trial and error)
    -Find staples in your cafeteria that are healthy go-tos, like grilled chicken breast or the salad bar
    -If the chefs are accessible, ask them questions about how much sodium, butter, etc they're using in the food so you know what's safe and what's high-cal
    -Keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand
    -Don't give in to the urge to order pizza when you and your friends are hungry
    -Watch the drinks. Pretty sure 90% of my weight came from the partying. Try not to binge!!!
    -Find time to exercise above and beyond the walking around campus
    -Most importantly, use this tool. Log everything you eat. Know when you're overdoing it, know when you just cannot have a cookie at lunch or a third beer with the guys. If I had been even remotely aware of how much I was eating, it wouldn't have taken me a year after graduation to finally return to normal.
    -Track your fiber and your sodium. Up your protein intake to 25-30% instead of 15%.

    Good luck!! Stay active on here, people are very ready to support you =)
  • "HI, starting with a great motivational quote,
    Don't give up till you achieve your goals to improve yourself physically and mentally, try to eat vegetarian diets with lots of antioxidants, fat burning gluten free food etc. Also include light workouts in your schedule. This will help you to stay fit and fresh all day."