
4healys Posts: 44
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been thinking about giving Alli a try on my second month. I want to do a full month on my own and see how well I do and then try a month doing everything the same as I am now but using the Alli as well. Anyone had any experience using it and any opinions about it?


  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Alli makes you crap your pants.

    Which, if you dont mind, is fine...but all it is is negative reinforcment.
  • 4healys
    4healys Posts: 44
    Well, I did ask for opinions...
  • casey34472
    casey34472 Posts: 280 Member
    It didn't work for me.
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    it is linked to an increased chance of colon cancer. I know this because I worked in a GI dept. It does make you crap your pants. The doctors I worked for were strongly against it. Its not healthy. It being approved by the FDA doesnt mean much
  • cbdrcg
    cbdrcg Posts: 5
    I agree with the above post. If you eat ANY fat, you will leak a greasy fluid. Sorry. Don't know how to say it any other way. I tried it and could handle it when I wasn't working, but on work days . . . no way.

    It's so much better to simply change your eating habits. If you do it right, the weight won't come back. You have to think "lifestyle change," not "magic pill."
  • 4healys
    4healys Posts: 44
    Thanks for the input everyone. That's all I needed to hear. Definitely don't have time to spend all day on the pot. Not looking for a magic pill as my lifestyle has already drastically changed. I just thought it might be a little boost for a month or 2 but I think I'll stay away! Thanks again.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    i can understand why you wud want to try alli but from what i have heard it can be unpleasant to say the least , its main reputation seems to be its laxitive effects when you eat too much fat, note that it doesnt differentiate between good and bad fats. i dont know, having never tryed it myself, i think it would be a case of trial and error and personally i wouldnt want the embarressment of being in public and discovering that a meal i thought was low fat...actually wasnt!

    i think any weight lose, if it is to be permenant should be done through eating a healthy diet and exercise. Also i think id be more proud knowing i had done it without the need for pills to force me to eat less fat....just my opinion im sure plenty of people have had success with it.
  • I can tell you not to waste your money by experience, lol. I was using it for three days and it really does make you GO. And I really don't want to get graphic here but you can actually see the "fat/oil" floating in the bowl and don't you dare fart or you're going to regret it...and farting is bound to happen and it makes your stomach growel and rumble because it gives you gas. Like I said, don't want to be graphic but didn't want to keep those experiences from you either, lol. I'm no longer taking them becuase it's not worth it to me and also I had 1 Tbs of peanut butter (a healthy fat) and I had major problems with that as well.
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    Alli is the same product as Xenical (just half the dose). It just eliminates part of the fat you are eating. It can cause poor bowel control if you are eating a high fat diet. I can have the benefit of keeping you on track and avoiding the high fatty foods.
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