Bellydancing DVDs

One of my resolutions is to get at least 15 minutes of activity in every day, in addition to 3-4 longer workouts every week. I'm home from college right now and I've really been enjoying a bellydancing program on Fit TV, but when I go back to school, I won't get that channel any more. The $50 for 13 episodes of that program is a little cheap. Can anyone recommend a good, inexpensive bellydancing DVD? I used to take a free class at school, but the instructor was really just a girl who enjoys bellydance but is terrible at instructing, and they moved it to a room where you're screwed if you're not in the first or second row.


  • rickysgirl325
    Im not too familiar with belly dancing, I've done a few of Tracy andersons dvds and they do give a great ab workout.
    Best of Luck!
  • g5colleen
    the belly twins are good