Starting again...

Hi all, I've been on MFP for several months, but haven't used it to its fullest potential. My husband and I started this weight loss/get healthy track back in March in hopes to drop some pounds before our daughters wedding and to increase our health. Now that the wedding is over and life should slow down a little, we are ready to get serious starting today! I really want to look and feel significantly different by Christmas this year. My weight loss has been extremely slow up to this point, but I'm okay with that (lost about 13 lbs since Nov 2011). Couple of questions for anyone interested in being my friend:
1. What have you done to see success in your health/weight loss goals?
2. Have you had slow weight loss and been able to pick it up alittle? What worked for you?
3. How can I encourage you?

Thanks! Looking forward to lots of smiles and success!


  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    welcome weight loss fluctuates week to week...I brought my calories down from the recommeded 1700 to 1500 and that really kicked started my loss plus I'm diligent about getting my water in for the day and doing water exercising at least 4-5 times a week...I'll send you a friend request we can keep each going thru this journey...:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks nkrueger1. I just added you as a friend. Looks like we have some things in common (need to update my profile) like faith, doggies and family. :) Congrats on your 31 lbs so far. Your water comment convicted me. :) I have not been as faithful in that aspect and know I need to get better at that.

    Have a GREAT day! :happy:
  • swwass130
    swwass130 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey, I too am starting over again today. This summer of travel, weddings, holidays, etc is just killing me. I just got home from a 2 week vacation and nothing fits. I know I need to get back to tracking my food and exercise. One of my problems is that I can go along for about 3 weeks eating healthy and exercising regularly and then I get bored and quit. How do I keep going long term? Any suggestions?
  • Hey!

    So I'm in the process of starting over again too. I joined in May, and have fallen off the wagon (more off than on). But I decided to rededicate myself Aug. 5th by starting the 30 day shred. Now I'm 15 days in, and doing well on the exercise front. Now I just need to start the eating better trend. I think that shorter term goals are easier for me, rather than my ultimate weight loss goal. So that may be helpful for you too.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi how are you? I joined MFP about a year or so ago but never fully followed it 100% until about a month ago. I joined Weight Watchers back on July 29, 2010 (3 months after having my son) and lost 75lbs). I am now down a total of 82lbs with about 30-35 more to go. I find these last few are the hardest to lose. My calorie intake is roughly around 1200-1400 depending on my day. I am no longer drinking soda (medical reasons) and drink mainly all water now and exercise daily. I love this new me and wouldn't change a thing about my journey!! I will send you a request so we can push eachother :)
  • msperkey3
    msperkey3 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey Rochelle!
    Im somewhat new to mfp and really like this community..I could use some friends also :) I started my weightloss journey a few years ago and love to workout..I just need help with my eating!!! Ugh...
    I've been eating very badly this summer with kids out of school, bbq's, camping, vacation, game nights... But I'm getting back on track starting now,lol..:smile:
    I will do my best to help you with whatever motivation that you need!
  • Hi, I just signed up and am "starting again" to lose the fifty pounds that
    I have lost twice before. I have to agree with one of the posters about water,
    It is an important part of any plan.
  • Hi! I'm also starting this... but trying hard to to lose sight of my goal. I always end up losing some weight and then i justify eating bad food, not working out, etc. and I'm trying to give little rewards to myself this time, like clothes.. things like that. I'm looking for any advice too. I've been working out but not calorie counting and all I've lost in 2 months was 5lbs.. soooo I'm back. I find it so hard to be good and not over eat when there's so many fun things going on! Cookouts, fairs, backyard does everyone resist??
  • searchingforme
    searchingforme Posts: 10 Member
    Starting again too! I had a talk with my husband and family and told them it was time to make a change. Started logging food in today. We are going to clean out this house and get some decent food in the pantry. This will be a family effort. I would love to be friends. I just need to know that I am not the only one in this boat and that I CAN keep it from sinking. :) Would love to be friends with anyone that would like to also!
  • go450
    go450 Posts: 4 Member
    I've also been a member since early spring and should have used this site to help me keep on track. My goal was to loose its 60! I have a new dedication to loose the weight and change my lifestyle to keep off the pounds. I'd be happy to be part of the group and we could help each other reach our goals.
  • Bluebox32
    Bluebox32 Posts: 100 Member
    I am starting again today too :)
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    1. What have you done to see success in your health/weight loss goals?
    Drink lots of h2o, walk/jog minimum of 3 miles at least 5 days a week, track my foods so I can see what is working and what is not
    2. Have you had slow weight loss and been able to pick it up alittle? What worked for you?
    Was slow until I started walking a lot in April and sine then has averaged between .50 lbs and 1.5 lbs per week
    3. How can I encourage you?
    To help me watch my ugar intake and encourage me to kepp on keeping on... :happy: