McDonalds - I resisted the temptation!!!

MagzGraz Posts: 31
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Pat on the back for me YEAH!!!!

I just met up with friends at Maccas casue its raining and we all needed to get out of the house with the kids and yes my kids ate and so did some of the adults but I happily had my coffee then bottled water!!!!

Not even 1 chip did I pick..... I was tempted.... There was one really nice oily crunchy chip that keeped calling my name.... I stood up and changed seats

I am very proud of myself!!!


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Way to go!! That's awesome!
  • Now that's will power! Congrats!!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Definitely will power. Yeahhh for you! The only thing that is hard for me to resist is those darn fries!!! I end up having 2 or 3 fries....GREATNESS!!
  • That's awesome!! So proud for you!!
  • Great job! I know how it can be to resist those "evil" chocolate chips, especially when they call you by name! LOL...

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  • Wow, it takes a lot of dedication to resist, now u have it under control keep the good work up!
  • Yay for you!!!
  • LCB12
    LCB12 Posts: 23
    You go girl! I havent had any fast food since Jan 2009 and to be honest...I DONT miss it. Im not even tempted when im with someone whos going thru the mean drive thru window...not interested anymore...i just quit cold turkey:tongue:
  • Thanks for the encouragement guys..... !!!!!

    And to LCB12 thats a huge effort to have given up fast food for that long thats great.... That is my next step to just continually say NO!!
  • LCB12
    LCB12 Posts: 23
    You can do it! If I can anyone can:bigsmile:
  • infobabe
    infobabe Posts: 23 Member
    YEs this food is bad, a no no, sabatoge your diet. Full of fat and sodium, even the fancy coffees are fattening!
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