Wanted: A Flat Stomach!



  • ittyXbittyXbritty
    considering I'm asking for legitimate advice and said I was trying to recover, yeah, I think I'll be okay...

    I'm not some idiot girl who wants to lose 20 pounds in like a week so I can look good at some beach trip and is asking for starvation tips. I'm still going to have my bad days when I regress back to my old ways, but I'm more or less trying to get into healthier habits that will benefit me in the long run, and help me fix a problem I've had since I was a child.
  • meledo85
    meledo85 Posts: 27 Member
    Me too:smile:
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    lower your sodium intake
  • blinkiii
    blinkiii Posts: 90
    I feel the exact same way! It's like, all the fat will leave my boobs and butt, yet NEVER my stomach!
  • xxpipsxx
    xxpipsxx Posts: 30 Member
    hey its just a suggestion, but if you stomach sticks out considerably for your size it may be that you have severe bloating. This can be caused by gluten intolerance (and maybe lactose as well but not sure) may be worth getting checked and see if you do have an intolerance to something, I had a friend who has a gluten allergy and when she cut it out her diet her bloating flattened out in weeks, may not be your reason but just a suggestion :) x
  • Dylex
    Dylex Posts: 15 Member
    Believe it! Holding it in strengthens those muscles and flattens the belly. Crunches help as well, but holding it in is an exercise in itself that can be done ANYWHERE and ANY TIME.

    I've been squeezing my gut in lately at the gym while doing anything & so far it's giving that extra bit of help.

    I've always had a gut too not matter the weight/health I was at. So, I understand the frustration. Do try tensing it on a more frequent basis.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    Is it fat or the shape of your belly? I was a really skinny child and teenager and I always had a pregnant belly look. Not jiggly, just rounded and it protruded. One of my daughters took after me. She is very skinny, bordering on underweight, but has a belly that sticks out when you look at her in profile. Another thing we share is that the belly just pops out even more right after a meal. So, I agree with the post above that said it was largely genetic. I think it has to do with having looser ab muscles and poor posture (in my case). I'm hoping that I can get my abs used to holding my insides in by standing/sitting properly, consciously tightening my muscles throughout the day, and doing planks (which I read may be better because it doesn't make the muscle appear bigger as it strengthens). I still have about 10 or so pounds of fat to lose, so I don't know yet how successful this is. Good luck!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    The quickest fix is a proper posture. Throw those shoulders back, sit up straight, and it'll look smaller.

    I second that!

    I used to have a really bad anterior pelvic tilt. As soon as I realized it and worked on correcting it- tummy tightened. I also drink lots of water.....double the recommendation and when I get enough water..I have flat abs!
  • ittyXbittyXbritty
    I'll work on posture and lowering sodium and a few other things...

    but to those of you who suggested things like gluten allergies and whatnot, I'm pretty sure I'm just fat. In fact, I know I'm fat.